View Full Version : please read this why am i feeling this way

08-15-2010, 01:15 PM
6months ago i started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks day in day out constantly. they wre terrible. so recently i went to a doctor and he said that you have anxiety. i was finnaly happy to know where i was at but recently i have been so confused of how i was feeling.
i have been staying in the house for weeks not goin out and since it has been so long since i have experienced anxiety or a singlle panic attack for that matter, and i started thinking that i was fine and that i was wasting peoples time and that i am an attention seeker. i have been feeling really guilty because of this and no matter what i say to myself 1 side of my head says your fine. but i mean if i was fine then why would i feel like this . to prove to myself i had anxiety i went to the shop to ay to see what happened and nothing happened. this just made me feel like i am fine and that im a selfish idiot.
my mum also said that it is all in my head and may be she is right i mean i went to the shop today and i didnt feel the horrible anxiety feeling.
im so confused do you think that i have anything wrong with me :(

08-15-2010, 01:27 PM
Well, anxiety is just in our heads. It is part of our brain chemistry.

Anyway, I have experienced the come and go effect of anxiety and panic attacks. For stretches of time or in certain situations it just doesn't happen. Sometimes I really lock up and just don't want to go in to a place or be around certain people, but I have learned to recognize the feeling and deal with it as best as possible. For me it helped to understand what I was feeling, so when it did happen and I started feeling like that, I don't panic and freak out because I know what is going on and that the feelings will pass.

Try as best as you can to remain active and go out and do things. At least for me, the scarry part is thinking about doing things, but going out and doing it usually is fun. Especially if there is no anxiety or panic.