View Full Version : Any anxious teens?

08-15-2010, 11:24 AM
Gah. I'm 19 with an anxiety disorder. Mine goes like this: I have all these overwhelming-to-me-but-not-so-overwhelming-actually situations, that eventually my mind can handle all at once. I then proceed to go into this period of being numb, then i worry about the world ending which makes me so anxious i have panic attacks. its so irrelevant, the world ending and my current life problems, but yeah, that's the human mind for ya. Any other anxiety people out there? What are your crazy irrational fears?

08-15-2010, 01:17 PM
Yes, having irrational fears is part of dealing with anxiety. When I was your age (about 5 years ago) I super stressed over everything. My first year of college was a nightmare, just and endless stream of panic attacks and a world wind of worry. Everytime something got stressfull in school (terms paper's, exams, and stuff) I would fall apart and start freaking out about all kinds of stuff that didn't even make since. I got through it though, and so can you.

Mine was never the world ending, but I would suddenly start thinking about someone dying even if they weren't sick and get really sad, or that my life wouldn't turn out like I wanted, even though everything was going fine.

08-15-2010, 02:26 PM
Yeaup, 18 and almost a wreck. I completely freak out over social events and feel like I'm going to lose control of my bodily functions, namely being sick. Even though I've gotten on top of it and haven't made a fool of myself in four months, the worries have gotten worse.

Started cognitive therapy sessions, it's so hard to focus my mind during an attack though; it just locks down and I focus on myself.

08-20-2010, 09:39 PM
im 19 been dealing with anxiety for 3 years i have racing thoughts and racing/pounding heart beat. it sucks so bad everyday is a struggle for me.

08-20-2010, 09:56 PM
18 here, and recently began having anxiety 6 months. It sucks :(
I've had chest tightness, back tightness, back pain, and heart pounding.
and I've had things I'm not sure are part of anxiety or not like feeling like the ground is moving when I'm walking.

08-23-2010, 06:07 PM
I just turned 19 today and my fears are
Panic attacks
nuclear bombs
december 2012
closed in spaces
being on a plane
being poisoned/drugged
panicking at school
being lonely
and way to many more to name :(

08-27-2010, 09:41 PM
Any other anxiety people out there? What are your crazy irrational fears?

I'm actually 21 now, but my serious anxiety started when I was 19 (and I guess I've had it in periods when I was even younger though I never realized that it was actually a problem that I could deal with and not a normal part of life). My primary worries concerned my girlfriend, I was (and still am to some extent) constantly thinking that she'd leave me if I didn't become successful enough, that her previous boyfriends were much better, et cetera... I also worry a lot about not getting good enough grades in college and about my parents getting divorced (which has never even been likely to happen), and in general, I've just dismissed a lot of good things in life assuming that they were never going to come true just because of some imagined chronic bad luck. I could go on and on about this, as I'm sure that most of you guys could too :-)

08-28-2010, 09:30 PM
hey i'm new here. i'm 18 and have self-diagnosed myself with GAD. i also have irrational fears of family dying or getting in accidents and i often become sad and even cry out of the blue. i am a perfectionist in school, which is my biggest anxiety currently in life.

08-28-2010, 11:53 PM
The perfection-issue seems quite common among us younger GAD-people. I'm also really afraid of failing and not getting good enough grades, and I constantly worry about whether I'm going to make it to my favourite grad-schools. Am I the only one thinking that a lot of ambitious people have some sort of GAD, or that GAD-sufferers tend to be overworkers more often than others?

08-29-2010, 01:13 AM
ss_worrier: no you are probably right. we are all so anxious about doing everything right that it makes us mentally and even physically sick.

08-29-2010, 03:29 AM
It's "funny" you should mention physical illness. I've suffered from pretty much all the physiological symptoms described as symptoms of chronic worry or GAD, and despite this, none of my many doctors have even asked me how I'm doing mentally. I've been a chronic worrier from time to time since I was 7 years old, and at the same time, I first developed youth reumathoid arthritis and then later on Crohn's disease. I need braces for sleeping becasuse I grind my teeth, and for as long as I can remember, I've been sick much more often than any of my friends or classmates in different schools. When I have more worried periods, my body reacts instantly. I'm sure that many of you have similar experiences of stressing and worrying your body by trying to achieve all the time or simply worrying about one hundred things at the same time.

09-08-2010, 08:01 AM
Well I'm 17 years old, never suffered from anxiety, never suffered from deppression. Mentally I've always thought of myself as strong. It was something over a month ago that I woke up feeling rather anxious, the anxiety was to do with me wanting to leave home in a year but feeling like I'd be stuck in this town for longer then I should. I wrote down those feelings and drunk some coffee (quite strong) then I felt a lot better and decided to go watch tv. All of the sudden the symtoms of caffiene withdrawal started hitting me, and it was causing me to become really anxious. I suffered a huge anxiety attack, It was so awful I just made myeslf go to sleep. When I woke up the anxiety was not gone, it was worse for over a week until it went away completely (with a little feeling of anxiety here and there). I drunk something with caffiene in it again and before I knew it somehow my anxiety was back again. I've been off caffiene since then but have awful anxiety still.

Just the day before yesterday I started to feel better, but I have all these physical symtoms like blurry vision, confusion, dizzyness and it caused me to feel very anxious again and even breakdown serval times.

I feel that my mind refuses to relax at all, my thoughts are too rapid and I constantly keep confusing myself. It scares me a lot. It's hard to sleep, and I have no appitate whatsoever.

I was so happy before any of this happened, I just want myself back. I don't want to live if there's no way out of this.


09-09-2010, 05:02 PM
I'm close to 21, don't count as a teen anymore...
Also I got rid of anxiety so...uhm...sorry I don't belong?
But before that I had a lot of irrational fears:
-Losing my memory
-Losing my Mind
-Losing my hair( I would read how stress makes you lose hair,then realize that anxiety made me stressed and become more stressed and so on)
-Getting diabetes
-Getting cancer
-Becoming paralyzed
And so on...man..remembering this is sure taking it's toll on me...