View Full Version : Anyone out there who wants love as much as I want to giveit?

08-15-2010, 11:00 AM
Sorry, I didn't know quite where to put this thread, I'm actually considering putting it on a couple of forums.. I dunno just because I really wanna find that special someone ._.

It's just.. hmm ._. It's hard to explain.

I had a dream about it all last night, I think it was because I came to the conclusion yesterday that like, I have a lot of love to give and a lot of affection and caring and things, and I feel like I really should find a girl who wants to receive that much love, you know? Like.. there is this girl I am chatting to a little at the moment, but first of all she lives all the way over in America, so she's a long way away, but also.. yeah she just isn't as into all the e-snuggles and things as much as I am into giving them ._. Does that make sense?

And like, I don't really wanna change, like I don't really want to just like "learn" to not express myself towards someone I care about or have feelings for like that, because it's just part of who I am, I've done it since my earliest relationships.

Anyway but erm, in the dream, there was this girl erm, and I don't know I think it was as simple as she just wanted someone to love and care for her a lot, and I got to be there and then we were both really happy! ^_^

I just hope it doesn't always remain just a dream :(
