View Full Version : Is this all due to anxiety or could it be something else

08-15-2010, 01:42 AM
I don't know what to do anymore. I have been to many doctors and everyone of them seem to believe I am fine. I have been lightheaded for quite sometime now. i also have these random pinprick like pains everywhere on my body and a lot of other weird symptoms. I am scared that I have MS or something worse. I hope that it is only anxiety because some of the symptoms are not everyday.

08-16-2010, 11:58 PM
If you had MS i'm sure you'd definately know about it by now. Being lightheaded for some time, and a pins/needles sensation on body parts won't mean MS mate. Anxiety mimics symptoms from elsewhere, if your doctor has looked in to your feelings/sensations then this will be a high possibility.

What else are you feeling?

08-18-2010, 09:12 PM

Everything you says points to anxiety to me . I have had them all and many more . There is a reason that you are here and that is because you believe or someone has told you that you have anxiety .

The reason you believe that you may have MS is because you have read it soemwhere .

As i said i had those symptoms and i do not and have never had MS
