View Full Version : Constant racing thoughts

08-14-2010, 04:21 PM
Hey, I've just registered, and I'm posting this because I really need help on this one.. I've always suffered from anxiety, and depersonalization for a few years now, and lately the constant racing thoughts have gotten way worse. I just can't seem to be able to find a distraction, things that used to keep me distracted just don't work anymore, and I don't see how to get rid of this.

Any tips on how to slow them down?

08-15-2010, 05:36 AM
when i suffered from racing thoughts that makes staying still difficult i go for a long walk .my advice is go for any kind of physical exertion..sports ,running if u r fit.
personnaly walking walking walking was what slowed those thoughts just enough so i can do my relaxation routine which i learned from a psychlogist.
so after i m totally physically exhaused from my long walk i just do my relaxation which is impossible when those thoughts are racing.
Hope this work for you ,please try it.it did work for me..hope u feel better:)

08-15-2010, 11:43 AM
I have been in therapy for over a year now and one thing I have learned is that distraction of the thoughts just makes them worse, rather than dealing with them. See, when I have a thought of say, "I am about to have a heart attack," I recognize the thought and look at how irrational it is, and replace it with the facts, such as, 'I have been to a cardiologist and have no signs of heart attack.' Distraction to make the thoughts go away only makes them worse. Actually giving them the attention they want, over time, they will start going away/getting easier to deal with.

08-16-2010, 01:32 PM
Anxiety can make you feel like you are having a heart attack.
You need to find a way of reducing your anxiety.


Relaxation Techniques
Cognitive Behavior Therapy

08-16-2010, 01:41 PM
Hey, I've just registered, and I'm posting this because I really need help on this one.. I've always suffered from anxiety, and depersonalization for a few years now, and lately the constant racing thoughts have gotten way worse. I just can't seem to be able to find a distraction, things that used to keep me distracted just don't work anymore, and I don't see how to get rid of this.

Any tips on how to slow them down?
hi im new on here but have been suffering with this for a long time, it nearly drives you mad to the point where you wish you could just stop thinking for a while to give yourself a chance to calm down, i find the only thing that helps when you mind starts going crazy is a bath, yes i know it sounds mad but it works for me,(i have allot of baths!!)

08-16-2010, 04:29 PM
Lots of good advice in this thread...

I'll just add by saying it's important to find something to pour your passion into. Take up old hobbies or activities that you always loved doing before anxiety took over your life. You really can get lost in the moment when you are doing something you love to do.

Other suggestions that others have mentioned that are absolutely VITAL to recovery:

Regular exercise
Proper diet
Practicing relaxation techniques
Learning to face your fears and leave your comfort zone
Maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook on life

These are just a few of the many things you can do that really do work!