View Full Version : Neighbour bringing up anxiety

08-13-2010, 11:00 AM
So this is a bit complex.

There is an 18-year-old kid living in the apartment below mine. After a month or two of parties, pot smelling up the lobby, etc., there was a tenant hearing and he was told to be out by August 31 (he moved in around March, hearing was late June).

I wrote a letter to the landlords and went to the hearing (at their request). I didn't speak at the hearing, but I was there.

About two weeks ago I was on my balcony and the kid gave me 'googly' eyes as I'll call them. I said, 'Got a problem, kid?'

He said, 'Yeah, a big one. Come deal with it.'

So I went down and banged on his door – his friend answered and called him over. He pretty much lipped off to me (standing 8 feet back and holding a broom the whole time) until the door closed on its own.

A few days later, fireworks went off from his apartment (literally, it's been a problem with youth in the area). Cops came by and effectively told him they'd fine him $5,000 in by-law infractions if it happened again. All was quiet for a week or two.

He's decided now that banging on his walls and ceiling -- which rattles my floor -- is fun. I can tell the super, but all they can do is bitch at him, which won't make it any better.

I can go yell at him -- which will probably make it worse.

The worst part is its getting my anxiety up. Even typing this, I feel it creeping up.

Last night I had a near full-out anxiety attack. My fiancee (we're getting married on Sept. 5) is getting frustrated because she doesn't know how to deal with me when I'm like that.

I'm uncomfortable because my home doesn't feel safe. I've had the weight of anxiety sitting on me all day today -- even though nothing happened since around 7:30 last night.

Trying to talk to this kid is totally useless. He knows he's on the outs, and he doesn't care about anyone or anything.

What do I do to prevent this knocking and nosie from ruining the rest of my month?

08-13-2010, 03:19 PM

you could go and show the little shit were you could fit that broom :D

Sorry honestly . He is doing just what is wants to do , he is getting to you and that is is plan all along .

What can you do , you cant control what he is doing but you can control the way you are reacting to it , just ignor it the best you can . You know that he is going to be gone so dont let him get to you . Just ignor him the best you can and stay out of his way and maybe spent some more time away from you house for now .

Most of this is your anxiety and nothing more . My Neighbour has one of those vanes things on his shed , when he first put it up it would make a hell of a noise , a real painful nosie . I was bad with anxiety then and it would drive me crazy . As i recovered from my anxiety i can remember the last time i noticed it . Probably will now thanks :D only joking

Dont let him get to you because that is all he wants and he will be gone soon . You cant win in the short term but you will in the long term .
cheers kev :D

08-16-2010, 06:20 AM
Things are getting worse.

I spent Saturdya night and Sunday night at my parents place.

Being at home at all is making the anxiety attacks come, hard and swift.

Even thinking about it is getting me up in arms.

I understand the theory of how all this is working: from my irrational thoughts and fears to the amygdala and its function.

But I can't control it. I'm spinning out of control.

I'm getting married in less than a month and don't want to leave my fiancee with our dogs and cats by herself while I try and get a grip.

Please help!