View Full Version : Someone In The USA To Communicate With

08-12-2010, 09:34 AM
Years ago when I recovered it was in large part because of our local anxiety support groups and our telephone call list. When no one outside you understands and you can contact or call an anxiety buddy it really helped.

When I came off benzos and went through years of withdrawal hell what saved me were my benzo friends - we saved each other and made it through.

I would love to find others who are working a program for recovery to personally communicate with. I can be reached at: [email protected] (mail at thirdreef.net)

I am in Washington State in the USA


08-12-2010, 08:08 PM
There are volumes of research on peer support being most effective face to face or over the telephone rather than written on forums. real time allows reciprocal new thoughts and ideas to form and be shared.

When I was involved with a community anxiety support group we had over 30 members and we each had each others phone numbers. 24/7 and almost 24 hours a day we had a friend to call who understood EXACTLY how we felt. Since much of anxiety is the lack of safety (often starting in family dynamics) this "community" was a huge source of healing for all of us.
