View Full Version : getting worse

08-12-2010, 08:41 AM
i'm starting to feel worse about anxiety, i'm having more bad days then good. all i think about is this my last day being alive? my heart skips beats and have had dull ache in my chest. went to my doctors done an ecg it came back normal! but i can't shake this feeling. i'm very light headed and have pain in my left shoulder and lower and center of my back. i have had anxiety for over a year now, will it ever get better and will i ever shake this heart attack feeling.
many thanks

08-12-2010, 11:10 AM
Hello. Well, I am right there along side you pal. I have had the skips and flips and flops ect. of my heart for 7 years now. I have gone in the ER for them, had stress tests, ekg's, holter tests, event recorders and even a echo and all came back fine. The skips are there, but they tell me they aren't dangerous. Depsite the reassurance, I am not reassured. I am in cognitive behavioral therapy and have generalized anxiety and panic disorder. I am terrified EVERY single day about dying from a heart attack or my heart skipping and not going back to regular rythm. Therapist says its all a part of my anxiety, and they are just thoughts. I am getting better slowly, but it is so hard to live everyday waiting to die, and letting the skips and pains control our minds. Just wanted to let you know I know how you feel. ;)

08-12-2010, 01:33 PM
thanks for the reply, you made me feel like i'm not the only one. It's very hard i hate feeling like this. sorry to hear your having a bad time with it as well.