View Full Version : 3 ways from fear into power

08-12-2010, 07:58 AM

I just wanted to share with you 3 ways to move from fear /stress into power.

I have found these to be really helpful personally when I have experienced a lot of stress and negative emotion and also in my work as a coach

Any emotion/feeling you have for example negative such as stress, anxiety, fear, panic, overwhelm,depression or positive emotions like happiness ,love , joy, confidence are all created by 3 things that we do in a given moment

1. Our physiology - the way we move and breathe

2. Our focus - are you thinking about what could go wrong or all the things you are grateful for or proud of?

3. Language - how do you talk to yourself? Do you constantly criticise yourself and beat yourself up or do you encourage yourself and congratulate and reward yourself for every little step forward you make?

In an instant you can change how you feel/what emotions you are having by changing even just one of those 3 elements.

Think about a time when you have felt a strong negative emotion. You have moved and breathed a certain way - take feeling fear for example-think of a time when you felt fear....

1, Physiology -your breathing has probably become shallow, your muscles have tensed particularly around your shoulders neck jaw, you are maybe looking down more with your shoulders hunched

Focus - well you may have changed to focusing on negatives, beating yourself up that you shouldn't be feeling fear, projecting into the future how bad things maybe (not reality by the way :)-just what you are focusing on in that moment)

Language-what are you saying to yourself when you feel fear, lots of thoughts racing through your head , what if's, why me?

IN CONTRAST - think of a time when you felt great perhaps grateful for what you have in life, happy, fulfilled, maybe proud? go back remember that time - what were you seeing , hearing and feeling - really associate!

How is your physiology different - how is your breathing - deeper? what about your shoulders - are they back, more relaxed, what about your face and jaw are you smiling?

focus - really think back to that great time - what are you focusing on?are you thinking about what you can do or what you cannot

language - when you feel that great what are you saying to yourself?

NOTICE the DIFFERENCES in your physiology , focus and language when you feel positive and negative emotions.

The next time you feel negative emotions change your physiology , focus and language and change how you feel in an INSTANT - think of times when you felt empowered move and breathe the way you did at those times, consciously change your focus and what you say to yourself

You have the power to change from feeling negative emotions to positive emotions right now and you can get better at it with practice - if you have been feeling negative emotions a lot of the time you can retrain yourself to go into positive emotions and improve the quality of your life by doing it ongoing. We cannot control what happens to us in life but we CAN control how we respond!


08-13-2010, 11:14 AM
Thanks for sharing that. I agree!

08-15-2010, 05:39 AM
thanks for this post.i find it very helpful.