View Full Version : Depressed in Nashville

08-10-2010, 10:58 PM

My name is Greg. I am a forty something professional in Nashville, TN. It turns out I've been 'clinically depressed,' for years, given a recent diagnosis during a first-time ever visit to a psychiatrist. I am well educated and have had a moderate to strong 22 year career in both Healthcare IT, Consulting and serving as a licensed investment broker for Smith Barney for 8 years.

I am participating in therapy, interactive exercises to address social anxiety and medication. I would like insight. I do have some, and some perspective of what I've been doing. Some things seem to work well / others do not. And a few things are working great. I will continue to investigate these.

The meds do no seem to be on a personal, isolated basis. Is there any insight? I share what seems to work on my website. The website posts are also for weekly review at my session with Dr. B. Please visit. I will respond. I would like input.

And I will respond with what I am learning through this journey. I hope to find a village here, of support and help!