View Full Version : Magnesium Causing Anxiety !!

08-10-2010, 05:04 PM
My doctor suggested I take magnesium supplements to help the anxiety. I did tons of research on it and it all looked perfect. Now I seem to be much worse. I am jittering and having more weird symptoms with increased anxiety.

I have tried so much - seem like the more I try to help myself the worse things get !!

Has anyone else gotten worse on magnesium


08-10-2010, 06:30 PM
I noticed that when I started taking it along with a multivitamin I felt better for about a week. Then I started feeling shit again but I stayed on them for about a month or less. Then I stopped taking them altogether and I felt a lot better, comparitvely anyway, and have since. I try to just eat better these days...

08-10-2010, 10:45 PM

I havent heard of taking magnesium causing anxiety , i have heard that lack of it can cause anxiety type symptoms .

Are you sure that this is a mind over matter thing , i think you sort of convince yourself that what ever you take it will have a bad effect .

This is normal not only from your past but also with anxiety , i had natural products sitting on the shelf for months before i could bring myself to take it .

What sort of things have happened since you took it , how fast and what form are you taking .

cheers kev :D

08-11-2010, 05:27 AM
Hey razz I tend to agree with kev. I think your anxiety about taking medications is causing anxiety symptoms. I do the same thing with new medications too. I was so petrified the first time I took Ativan. It's all anxiety - different worries but same old anxiety formula. You're safe James, remember that. Magnesium is completely safe, your bodily feelings aren't harmful. Hang in there. I've been wondering how you are doing, you've been a bit quiet.

08-11-2010, 07:18 AM
Magnesium deficiency causes increased levels of adrenaline, which can lead to a feeling of anxiety.

08-11-2010, 11:12 AM

I tried 4 different forms - first gave me horrible gut problems then it got to where I could not get out of bed - if I did I had severe jitters and the adrenalin would flood me