View Full Version : anxiety and sleep

08-10-2010, 03:34 PM
I must sleep for between 10-12 hours a night,it normaly takes me ages to fall asleep but when i do im dead to the world.My mum tells me i grind my teeth like mad,so i got the dentists £190 mouth guard but if i wake up during the night its missing,and then i find it on the floor or up my pillow.i allso have a ipod on my bed normaly when i fall asleep and sometimes i wake up and its inside the covers and im laying ontop of it.I dont feel anxious during the day but i still feel dizzy all day long.could i be stressing like mad during my sleep? and thats whats making me feel the way i do which is dizzy/sick,takes me 1-2 hours to wake up and stop being so weak and sick.And if so how can i help this? im on pregabalin 75 mg x 2 and sertaline x 2 50 mg.allso listen to relaxation now and then.i carnt do any more to chill myself out,so i need to work out why i must be stressin in my sleep,thank you so much for reading

08-10-2010, 05:31 PM
Sometimes I just cant turn my mind off, just constantly thinking about things that bring me anxiety. I can be up tossing and turning till 2 or 3 in the morning. I've started taking melatonin about an hour before I go to bed, and that helps to calm me down and make me sleepy. You can get it over the counter, and its natural, your body makes it anyways, but some peoples bodies dont make enough. I take 3mg.

08-11-2010, 06:52 AM
and u feel ok in the morning? no drowsiness or anything?

08-11-2010, 06:58 AM
Sometimes it isn't as bad as you may have feared. If you can cope with the worst case scenario, remind yourself that it probably won't happen anyway!

Practice conscious relaxation. Take deep breaths and exhale slowly. This will counteract the speeding heartbeat and fast shallow breathing typically associated with anxiety.

08-11-2010, 12:29 PM
and u feel ok in the morning? no drowsiness or anything?

Yes, feel perfectly fine in the morning. No drowsiness, etc.

08-12-2010, 03:23 AM
I must sleep for between 10-12 hours a night,it normaly takes me ages to fall asleep but when i do im dead to the world.My mum tells me i grind my teeth like mad,so i got the dentists £190 mouth guard but if i wake up during the night its missing,and then i find it on the floor or up my pillow.i allso have a ipod on my bed normaly when i fall asleep and sometimes i wake up and its inside the covers and im laying ontop of it.I dont feel anxious during the day but i still feel dizzy all day long.could i be stressing like mad during my sleep? and thats whats making me feel the way i do which is dizzy/sick,takes me 1-2 hours to wake up and stop being so weak and sick.And if so how can i help this? im on pregabalin 75 mg x 2 and sertaline x 2 50 mg.allso listen to relaxation now and then.i carnt do any more to chill myself out,so i need to work out why i must be stressin in my sleep,thank you so much for reading

If you are teeth grinding at night then no, your not being completely restful in your sleep at all! I would loose the ipod though, that wont help. You could try a hypnotic relaxation CD, that helps me go to sleep when my mind is racing.

If your not having a restful sleep it could be affecting you when your awake because your not getting to sleep and recover. As for the taking ages to wake up and feeling dizzy and weak through the day....I have two thoughts, firstly do you eat breakfast in the mornings?

Secondly, depression as well causes those sort of morning problems as well.

08-12-2010, 05:45 AM
well on my ipod i listen to this relaxation thing,its basicly just really heavy rain,and for some reason i love rain! lol. i dont eat breakfast cos i wake up at like 11,but at 12-1 i have lunch,then dinner at 5 and then bout 10 i had a few crackers so im still getting 3 meals a day.

08-12-2010, 08:20 PM
It appears you are over medicated and are sleeping past a normal diurnal rhythm. Too much sleep (especially drug induced) can throw off the melatonin/serotonin conversion as well as other physiology.

We are designed to sleep in roughly 5 90 minute cycles with the later ones being less deep. There ARE NO DRUGS THAT CAUSE US TO SLEEP - what they do is render us unconscious and usually disrupt these cycles. While we are anesthetized we can still be highly aroused in our sleep because we are not actually sleeping.

I would set an alarm clock to get up be 8:00 am after 7 to 8 hours sleep and evaluate how you feel. You may be over medicated and you doctor will need to know this.


08-14-2010, 03:00 PM
atleast you can fall asleep i need my sleepmate to fall asleep to!

08-16-2010, 04:39 PM
It appears you are over medicated and are sleeping past a normal diurnal rhythm. Too much sleep (especially drug induced) can throw off the melatonin/serotonin conversion as well as other physiology.

I would definitely agree with this statement. You're way out of balance as far as your sleeping and eating patterns go.

Do you exercise? A key to helping me fall asleep when I was suffering from severe anxiety was to make sure I wore myself out during the day through extensive physical exercise. This helped to regulate my sleeping patterns and was a HUGE help to falling asleep naturally without the use of any drugs or alcohol.