View Full Version : Anybody try these programs and did they work

08-09-2010, 08:28 PM
Anyone try the Linden method, the panic away or the anxiety lie programs. I have run these on the web and dont know if it's all hype and a waste of money. Are they just preying on our emotions. I joined anxietycentre and thier info was excellent. Did help me alot but continue with some daily anxiety. Didnt know if one of these other programs would be benneficial as well.

08-09-2010, 10:14 PM
Trouble with the anxiety center is that it is all information and no program - then the theapists have no training and cost as much as a real therapist.

Linden sucks - panic away is not bad....midwest center is a copy of CHAANGE and more expensive

08-09-2010, 10:39 PM

In your case i would say they are a waste of money .

Anxietycenter is going to tell you as much as these programs will for a fraction of the price .

I have panic away which is more to do with stopping panic attacks . Works a bit over general anxiety . I have heard good results from linden but also think the the basic imformation is on AC .

I recovered with the imformation from the anxiety center and my own research.

How long have you had anxiety ??

Trouble with the anxiety center is that it is all information and no program - then the theapists have no training and cost as much as a real therapist.

Razz I think you need to check your Info . All are trained with masters and all have suffered though anxiety and depression in the past which they have recovered .
I will agree that they dont have much of a program and seem to base alot around changing your thinking . But in saying that it is us that must make that program . They are only guides . I also are only starting to look at the part diet plays which is not online yet . But there information for a small fee cannot be beaten . I also do not agree with the changing the past crap , its about how we feel now so that best sorted first then and only then go backwards .

There theapists you might think are dear but hear it costs me $240 a hour plus around trip of 300klms , so for Average of $80 a hour and they know what they are talking about i think there cheap .

cheers kev

08-10-2010, 09:09 PM
I have had anxiety for about 6 years. It started with a panic attack while on vacation in the Bahamas. seriously thought I was dying . Ive had several dozen panic attacks since then. They seem to come in waves. avent had one in a few months. Really since visiting AC. I do have anxiety everyday though. Some days not bad and other days prevents me from actually performing activities that I love. Really want to get over this and get my life back. I feel like I have improved in some resects and worsened in other. My anxiety is health related. I have really become a hyperchondriac in all sence. I'm an educated heath care proffesional, a chiropractor, and know it's my thinking and constant worry. I have had medical evaluations and told diagnosed with anxiety. I tried medication early on for a very short time. Didnt help and made me feel like crud. Supplements have helped off and on. I have just began relaxing techniques on a regular basis. Too early to tell if that is working. Began eating much better (This should be a no brainer for me....I have practiced climical nutrition for a number of years). Life got busy with kids and all, exercise stopped, eating became very poor.....40 pounds over weight and I feel like heck now. I think that has a lot to do with my anxiety. Feel like Im on track now but it's gonna be a long journey.

Any other programs or sugestions for the journey. Thanks.

08-10-2010, 09:32 PM

I am also a medical professional and shoud have all the education on anxiety - but I am here. I think we can know too much too see it building and then we are over the edge.


08-10-2010, 11:20 PM

Again I think you are doing good what you are doing and if you keep doing those things then it will get better .
My guess is your still holding onto things and it is understandable that you wish to get on with things but really no amount of worrying about it is going to make it go faster . You have to just let it be .

You will have good days and bad as you recover and these are based around what stress you are facing at the time . Remember that amxiety is stressed based , you feel stress more and more . As you recover you feel it less and less .

There are other programes out there but i think most are based on giving people a general understanding of anxiety and are not a quick fix .

The only two things that cure anxiety is understanding and time . I think you have one and now you just need to wait it out the best you can without pushing it .

You will have some anxiety for a while yet but as i said it will fade giving time .
cheers kev :D

08-11-2010, 07:47 PM
The Attacking Anxiety and Depression Program by Lucinda Bassett is great! My mom and I use it, and it's main focus is on anxiety/panic, but it also helps with depression and negative thoughts. It comes with a relaxation tape that will make you feel like Jello when you listen to it. Not sure about the price though, since my mom ordered it in the late 90's. I know it comes in either tapes or discs, but other than that I'm not sure.