View Full Version : So it's anxiety...now what?!

08-09-2010, 01:37 AM
Hey guys :) I'm 16 and I've been having anxiety like symptoms for about a month now. I wen to the doctors 3 times and they can't seem to find anything wrong. They did a blood test and that came back fine. So I'm only left with anxiety. It hasn't been confirmed by a doctor, but I've been researching anxiety and I think that's what I have.

So now what? Haha. I'm not sure about medications and I've been living the same way for a long time, And this anxiety seemed to come out of nowhere. And now I'm still living the same way, and the anxiety hasn't left. Knowing it's anxiety relieved me. But it's not completely gone.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance :) I love this forum by the way. And sorry if my typing is a little off, I'm using my iPod touch at the moment haha

08-09-2010, 11:03 AM

I had anxiety for like over 7 years, and got rid of it for 2 years now...

There are a few thngs I personally recommend doing...

Meditation is a good excersises, it can really lower your anxiety levels, and also subliminal messages...

By the way, I am doing a live call on the 28th, if you want to listen in LIVE, on exactly how I got rid of my anxiety click the link below...

Green Ways
08-10-2010, 06:50 AM
Most doctor have a free onsite psychologist's at their clinics.
It's definitely worth the effort.
At the very least, they will give you some very good reading on the subject.
Quite often the reading alone can make the world of difference.
???What was the blood test, tested for???.

08-10-2010, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the info louiseevans222. I'll give it a try :D

And yeah Green Ways, I was thinking about that. I'll have to think it over and talk about it during my follow up appointment for the blood test and stuff at the doctors.
The blood test was just to make sure nothing is actually wrong with me, something more serious. My blood test came back perfectly fine so that leaves me to think it's anxiety. But I'll have to talk things over with my doctor at my next appointment :D