View Full Version : I think alot of people hear are intelligent so I chose this

08-08-2010, 03:21 PM
forum to ask for your opinion on some of my thoughts

When someone says "Just don't care about it" for example a social event that makes you nervous.

You could think we will be all dead soon so why would I be nervous?

But then why care about anything, isn't life pointless?

why care about ANY evil event (I won't put detail) because we will be dead soon.


People are always selfish they only ever do things for gain and pleasure, are any acts ever really selfless? I don't think so.


If someone bullies someone at school and they get pleasure out of it; which they obviously do thus why they bully someone why is this not deemed as such an evil act as rape for instance, because in some cases you will be causing more mental pain from constant bullying than someone being raped once.


People abuse power. In your job someone can treat you like shit because they know you will end up on the street without a job, thus abusing there power to make you feel bad.

You would rather feel bad, than really bad on the street.

08-08-2010, 07:55 PM
final, your thoughts are extremely negative and irrational, focusing on the wrong things, and sorry, but immature. I assume you're a teenager or young adult.
For one, yes we die, is life pointless? That's for you to decide, you create your own meaning, and your in control to make it a good life, or a bad one.
What you don't seem to understand like most if not all teenagers is that in life we have choices, and these choices have consequences. This includes the actions of rapists, bullies and people who treat other people like shit. Maybe, the bullies are gaining short term pleasure out of their actions, but what do you think made them bullies? Maybe they had parents that treated them like shit? Maybe their dad hits them? Sometimes what you see is not the case, and you'll start to learn that.
When i was younger my brother used to believe that everything was done for selfish reasons... It kind of makes sense, but I don't believe it. You can say that we do good things to relieve of the guilt we will have if we do bad things. Hence, it is self rewarding to do good. However, as time goes on that people - sorry, good people, will do things that include sacrifice for others without self gain, internal or external. Just because they want to give back.
Even if you want to use that mentality, you're still doing the world of good by doing things that help yourself AND them, so whats wrong with that? Everybody wins.
While you're doing a lot of thinking, your thought processes are hindered by your own experiences - bad experiences, which are assisting these irrational and grand conclusions about life and people.
People are generally good people, if you give them a chance... Think one step further, while I don't justify a rapists actions by any means, often they have been molested themselves.
take it easy

08-10-2010, 12:01 PM
You've raised some interesting and intelligent points.

The trouble with our illness is we think too much, which makes us concentrate on people around us in detail, when we should concentrate on our recovery.

I'm not a religious man, but I'll quote: 'They know not what they do'. My point being, people generally are quite naive and selfish in their actions, but don't let it get to you.

Live your life how you want to, and dont give others the power of being able to make you angry and depressed 8)