View Full Version : Television and dying?

08-08-2010, 06:49 AM
Hi all ,
I am not sure if this is the right section as I am a newbie to forum and my anxiety and depression seem to go hand in hand.
My anxiety goes through the roof when triggered by watching everyday programmes on television which somehow relate to death.
For instance if I am watching a programme and possibly enjoying it I then suddenly get overcome with a terrible feeling when I realise the person I am watching is dead and has been for many years.
Also yesterday I was watching a programme on UK Gold ( a channel which shows past programmes ) and the main character was a young man probably about 20 and later in the day I saw this same guy in a new programme and he was a frail old man.
These episodes cause me extreme anxiety for some reason and then as an after effect I feel very very depressed.
Does anyone ever have these types of feelings or is it just me?


08-08-2010, 02:05 PM
Just wanted to let you know that I am doing a live conference call on exactly how I got rid of my anxiety...

Also their will be a Q/A session for anyone to ask any questions...

I think it will help

If you want more info click the link below

All the best

08-08-2010, 02:58 PM
Hi louise ,
Many thanks for reply .
Are you selling something?
I came to this forum to find help and maybe help others too, I am not looking to buy anything , sorry.
Apologies if I am wrong .

08-08-2010, 03:40 PM
Hi a1jonuk

What you are feeling is very very common with anxiety .

Anxiety is basicallly your body and emotions running on high . Any thing that would have sent you into some from of emotionally feeling will now sent that feeling into over drive .

Example is when i was really bad it was the time here in Australia that we have big bush fires and over 200 people died . This effected me as it would have many at the time but because of my anxiety it effected it greatly . If the same thing happened today i would still react but not with the power i did then .

All your life you have had fears , worries etc on things and when you are in a anxious state these things are x 100. Blood was another with me . And trust me as a builder ive seen plenty of my own blood and also someones arm caught in something but i never reacted as i did with anxiety .

As your body settles down again you will start to react to them less and less untill you react as you once did .

Try not to see it as a problem and if it happens watching certen things such as sad movies then dont watch them untill you can handle it a bit better . I love true crime shows but had to stop watching them while i recovered .

You will get past this but you need to face it and also reduce the stress you are under
cheers kev :D

08-09-2010, 04:55 AM
I've had similar anxieties related to death and fear of ageing, particularly When reading the obituaries. My psych explained to me that most phobias all come back to the fear of death. I try and keep my faith in God and hand everything up to him that's out if my control. Not sure what else to tell you, my anxieties overwhelmingly relate to the fear of dying from a prolonged and painful illness. I'm managing my anxiety symptoms better but I'm still petrified of that fear. So basically I'm a work in progress! You aren't alone though - sometimes that can be comforting.

08-09-2010, 10:29 AM
yes, I hated how over a year ago i was able to watch TV. Such an enjoyable thing. Then I started to have anxiety or general anxiety, and it did effect watching tv, because then I'd watch TV, and analyze it towards my fears. Yea, then it got real tuff to watch TV, I still don't really watch it. I try, and sometimes when I can set aside some time, I'm able to force myself, and the enjoyment, is starting to come back.