View Full Version : Advice please!

08-08-2010, 06:19 AM

I'm male, 48 years old with health problems but I also suffer from anxiety and worry-panic almost all the time.

For almost a fortnight now I have felt my pulse in my head, its not painful and if I am doing things I dont notice it but at times it seems to get worse, mainly when I get excited.. although when I excersise it doesnt seem to get any worse when I get out of breath or tired.

I went to the doctors last week and she checked my pulse and said it was ok and my blood pressure was ok.

Its still here, not painful but ita annoying when I'm trying to sleep but mainly I'm so so scared and terrified it might be something like a tumor or stroke.

What I'm hoping is you some of you to tell me not to worry.. I am terrified of doctors and hospitals so tend to shy away.. only went to the docs last week as I was so scared.

am I ok?

08-08-2010, 07:22 AM
Lets start off by saying the only evidence towards you not being ok is the single symptom of a pulse sensation.. no pain, no cognitive impairment, nothing else. Your fear of it being something else (something bigger) is making you focus on it, obsess even, making it seem much more apparent.
If you want to see a specialist for reassurance then do so. It's not worth worrying and worrying about it, because eventually you will see a specialist unless the sensation goes away...
So for now, don't let the 'what if's' scenarios take over, coz they will grow bigger and bigger.
You'll know it's anxiety when the specialist says everything is ok, but your still fixated on this sensation that your having, and this sensation HAS to be something wrong.
But theres not, and better to practice that reassurance now :)
You'll find many people here with physical symptoms - heart, tingling sensations in the arms and body etc etc, the list goes on. All which are brought on by anxiety.
Hope this helps take care.

08-08-2010, 12:32 PM
I was exaclty like that... I was afraid of every illness, going to the doctors, I thought I may be diagnozed with something serious...

Thats just your anxiety, you need to RELAX, you are okay, there is nothing wrong with you??

I know that you feel much better when others tell you theres nothing wrong...

But isnt it better to take control of your life??

Steve you have to know that its all in the mind...

Click the link below to find out how you can use a really powerful tool to get rid of your anxiety FAST for FREE...

Its the same tool I used to get rid of my anxiety I had for 7 years!

All the Best Steve,


08-08-2010, 12:46 PM
Thank you very much for your help.

I just read the checklist in the thread at the top and I seem to tick like 80% of the boxes hehe.

thanks again, I'll try to not worry about it.