View Full Version : What happens when you exercise?

08-07-2010, 07:20 AM
Are you exercising?If not,maybe you will start after reading what your brain does for you after a great workout.

Have you ever heard of the runner's high?What is this?You exercise and you get high?Well,almost..Why is it that life seems more pleasant after exercising?Why is it that you feel more positive about things after exercising?After a great workout,the problems in your life also seem much less significant.

Your brain is a wonderful organ,and it gives you very special presents after and while exercising.I'm going to tell you about just two of them.

The first one is a very special chemical called endorphin.It's a natural drug from your brain and it leaves you with a feeling of happiness and calmness and positivity.It puts you on a natural high in it's purest form.

There are people out there who run and exercise for that feeling more so than to loose weight.You get it free,every single time you exercise.All you have to do is get out there and run.Personally I prefer the treadmill.

Then of course there is the other lovely chemical called serotonin.This is a slightly different customer but with equally positive effect.Serotonin is great for anxiety sufferers as it combats depression.It also leaves you with that calmness and feeling of bliss.

As a personal trainer I have seen this time and time and time again.I notice my customers when they first start training.I make a mental note and I can really see how over a few weeks of training they change somehow.They seem more at peace with life and it's surroundings.They seem happy.

Now you might be wondering how much and how hard must you exercise in order to get in this state of mind.Three times a week for twenty to fourty minutes per time should do it for you.

Remember to exercise regularly and keep an open mind and really notice how you feel.After a great workout,sit still somewhere and look around.Look at the people,look at the trees,look at everything and just notice how you feel and compare that feeling to when you sit on the same spot but this time you did not work out.

I'm telling you,you will know soon enough what it is I mean.

Exercise improves your quality of life.Get out there.

Just do it!

08-07-2010, 10:16 AM
This is so true. When I started having panic attacks, I wasn't sure what they were, so while the heart monitor tests and such were being carried out, I quite smoking and started power-walking every day. And I have to say, it made a lot of difference.

Even if that good feeling that exercise gives out doesn't last longer than a couple of hours afterward, that's a couple of hours I don't have to worry about a panic attack.

08-08-2010, 05:30 AM
Amen to that!

Everyone suffering anxiety and depression should get out there and do it!