View Full Version : FRANTIC !!

08-06-2010, 07:30 AM
I am always so tense and frantic that I feel like I am going to explode. I have so many pains, tormenting sensations and tension that all I do all day and NIGHT is cope and hold on.

I seldom sleep more than 4 hours and lay awake next to my peaceful wife and rock myself, pray and cry. It feel like every nerve ending has a drop of acid on it.

I read the Claire Weekes programs and have tried many more and I just feel like I am so sick I can't do the work. How do you float through a million sensations that never end.

Have done CBT and most days am so tortured I can't remember a positive thought.

Are others this frantic and hopeless


08-06-2010, 08:08 AM
I am always so tense and frantic that I feel like I am going to explode. I have so many pains, tormenting sensations and tension that all I do all day and NIGHT is cope and hold on.

I seldom sleep more than 4 hours and lay awake next to my peaceful wife and rock myself, pray and cry. It feel like every nerve ending has a drop of acid on it.

Hey James,

Yeah I have felt that way when having a real bad time with anxiety, I remember a good few nights that were much like that. Sometimes its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and trying to be positive when it feels like everything is falling apart is tough. Hang in there, it gets easier. :D

08-07-2010, 07:32 AM
Hi razz

you need to believe you can get better. Even though you are at your lowest right now, the only way is up. This is rock bottom. I have absolutely been where you are. It's so hard to believe it when you feel this awful, but this is anxiety. You are completely overloaded with adrenaline. You need to find some way of releasing it that doesn't involve pacing. I mentioned this in my last post, I bounce on a fit ball when I feel extremely anxious and just try to breathe. It satisfies the urge to move and pace without pacing and feeding the anxiety.

Anxiety can cause horrid psychosomatic symptoms. I've been so sick I couldn't eat or barely move. I was constantly taking anti-nausea drugs and still would lose up to 3kg a week, and I already have a small frame. I thought I would waste away for a while there and existed on dry biscuits and fruit juice.

Anxiety also caused me to develop a stiff jaw because I was constantly tense. My muscles were so tight I developed tendonitis and frozen shoulder and required weekly massages and physio treatment. Even now my shoulder knots up and I get achey at the slightest sign of stress.

My point is that anxiety can do terrible things to your body, which in turn makes you more anxious. It's a vicious cycle.

Remember you are safe. I can't stress enough that you are deep in the anxiety spiral and it seems like you can never come out of it, but you can. That's just the anxiety talking. You can get through it, one minute at a time. Stay in the present moment and just breathe.

08-07-2010, 07:37 AM
If you're having trouble remembering positive thoughts, I'm happy to write some down for you so you can read them. Hang in there. You can come back from this. You need to believe in yourself and your ability to cope. Although you are feeling so frantic, you can withstand this. When you believe that life will get a bit easier.

08-08-2010, 05:20 AM
My point is that anxiety can do terrible things to your body, which in turn makes you more anxious. It's a vicious cycle.

Never truer words were spoken! :)