View Full Version : Help Me Understand!!

08-05-2010, 07:38 AM
Hi 25 yr old female here, I started getting anxiety/panic attacks 5yrs ago I always thought I was dieing and couldnt sleep cause when I would start to dose off I thought my heart was gonna stop then this feeling fallling off a cliff then wamo full blown heart racing panic attack. I jump outta bed and have roomate take me to hospital. After like 3 trips to ER like that they kept finding nothing wrong and would say Im probably dehydrated. Well I did go home then just drink water water water and then it happened again, I went to different ER I went inside and they took my info and symptoms and I waited and Doctor came in and said I have anxiety. See a psychiatrist. Ugh so thats how I found out. Well anywho I seen psych and they put me on meds, well I tried a bunch then found what worked Cymbalta 60mg I was taking that for three years and I was doing alright. Going out again b/c I became agrophobic always thinking if I left home I was gonna faint die or have anxiety :( So I basically just go to work come home. Well ive been undergoing alot and I mean alot of stress (cant change it either) and I felt as I couldnt move I was so stiff. I went to doctor he touched my shoulders and said I have fibromyralga and that cymbalta probably wasnt working for me anymore so he weaned me off. And tried me on lexapro well I didnt like how that made me feel and tried nothing. I wanted to do it on my own no meds cuz I understood anxiety (i thought) Well 3 mons have gone by and my head/brain had this zing wouldnt go away. I love caffeine and soda if I had one it was 10x worse so I stopped all pop caffeine chocolate etc. I drink water 24/7 it wouldnt go away. So my head zings, tightness and chest were getting really bad then I got cotton mouth, nausea, diarhea and cant sleep, then the other night while laying in bed it felt as tho my head/ brain was on fire burning as so did my chest. So again I rushed to er thinking they would find something, and they didnt. So I call neurologist and he said it is very bad anxiety and that Im so tense, that when my body does start to relax it causes burning sensation. So now again Im on this trying to find out which medicine will help me through this, and under go lots of counseling. I just signed up to this forum sorry for making my post so long winded I just wanted to get everything and how I feel out there so somebody can help me with how I feel. I just got my period yesterday I cant stop crying and wondering what is wrong with me. I feel so overwhelmed cant sit still, people look at me at work and I wanna cry. I just feel as tho I have lost my mind and cant get it back. Im ready to go turn myself into the psych ward or something??I Has anyone ever felt this way and is this all symptoms of anxiety??

08-05-2010, 08:21 AM

I sent you a private message as we share some common things- check your in box


08-05-2010, 02:03 PM
1st go to doctor, get him to give you a short course of meds that will sort out your immediate illness.

Perhaps something like a short course of valium etc.
if you can not do this, go to health food store / online and buy L-theanine.
As this is a non-prescription relaxant and fairly cheap.
Solgar best brand.

Unless you are in danger of killing yourself or others, then psych ward not best option for anxiety as psych wards are generally quiet disturbing, especially in big cities.

Get doctor to prescribe some type of medicine that can help control anxiety long term. Many of these are translucent in that the user feels no different to normal non drugged living.

Now, once you have sorted out the imminent threat.
Think about starting an activity that will reduce your anxiety.
Tai Chi Chan
Body Scan relaxation Meditation
Breathing Meditation
Walking in nature

Do one or all of the above daily in order to reduce your anxiety

Other factors that effect your condition are:
Diet (caffeine / chocolate / cola other fizzy drinks / refined white sugar)
Illegal Drugs (pretty much all drugs will cause you anxiety)
Legal Drugs (some people have reactions to the legal drugs that doctors prescribe them)
Lifestyle (living environment / relationships)
Activities (some activities will stress you out)
Sex (too much sex can stress you out)
Exercise (over exercising can stress you out)
Employment (work is often the source of stress for many people)
circumstances (many people are stressed because of the circumstances that they find them selves in that they feel are impossible to escape, example, financial debt can put a lot of pressure on some people. If you are finding life tough because of debt, best speak to someone about this problem as a good doctor or councillor will often be able to put things into perspective and help you resolve your problems logically and methodically)

other wise

good luck

08-05-2010, 03:17 PM
Hi SmileyGurl2o04 :D

Your under alot of stress and yes it is all anxiety .

I was in the same place 2 years ago and had many of the things you are going throw and including horrible drug effects .

You have made a start but you need to work on it some more .

Understanding about anxiety and the way it comes about is your best bet .

Drugs will not slove this , at best they will cover it up and at worst they will make it worst as in my cause .

What stresses do you have and can you get rid of some . These stresses are not really the problem so much as your reaction to the symptoms they cause . See the stress causes some symptoms but your reaction to those symptoms are causing more stress than the original stress . There is also a sh&^load of fear in there which is understandable . If you can learn about anxiety and understand that these symptoms are only from your body being so stressed and if you reduce this stress then it will return to normal over time . Warning though it takes time and work , Time does not mean that you will be like this for while . Once you start to work on things your level comes down and each day you can do more and more .

I do agree that maybe short course on a benzo might not do you any harm but this is only if you dont abuse them and take only when needed with some breaks between so they dont build in your system . But you can do it without them I did but i am very strong willed .

What else have you been told you should do ? Other than drugs

What do you know about anxiety and how it works ?

Ask any questions you want and i shall see if i can help you out.

To give you some hope as i said i was like you 2 years ago . I also wanted to vist the Psych ward . Today i am most parts recovered except for my stress level is a little lower than i like but its coming down .

cheers kev :D

08-05-2010, 04:06 PM
Well as for now I started counseling going once a week, I seem to keep everything bottled up and hold it all in. Im also reading alot about anxiety I found this forum signed up to talk to you all and learn more about it. Also Im telling my friends, family and even the people at my work what Im experiencing. I take time out for myself, take lots of hot baths lol take my dogs to play in a field and try not to worry. I always think I think to much ugh what a pain this anxiety is :(

08-05-2010, 06:58 PM
1st go to doctor, get him to give you a short course of meds that will sort out your immediate illness.

Perhaps something like a short course of valium etc.
if you can not do this, go to health food store / online and buy L-theanine.
As this is a non-prescription relaxant and fairly cheap.
Solgar best brand.

Unless you are in danger of killing yourself or others, then psych ward not best option for anxiety as psych wards are generally quiet disturbing, especially in big cities.

Get doctor to prescribe some type of medicine that can help control anxiety long term. Many of these are translucent in that the user feels no different to normal non drugged living.

Now, once you have sorted out the imminent threat.
Think about starting an activity that will reduce your anxiety.
Tai Chi Chan
Body Scan relaxation Meditation
Breathing Meditation
Walking in nature

Do one or all of the above daily in order to reduce your anxiety

Other factors that effect your condition are:
Diet (caffeine / chocolate / cola other fizzy drinks / refined white sugar)
Illegal Drugs (pretty much all drugs will cause you anxiety)
Legal Drugs (some people have reactions to the legal drugs that doctors prescribe them)
Lifestyle (living environment / relationships)
Activities (some activities will stress you out)
Sex (too much sex can stress you out)
Exercise (over exercising can stress you out)
Employment (work is often the source of stress for many people)
circumstances (many people are stressed because of the circumstances that they find them selves in that they feel are impossible to escape, example, financial debt can put a lot of pressure on some people. If you are finding life tough because of debt, best speak to someone about this problem as a good doctor or councillor will often be able to put things into perspective and help you resolve your problems logically and methodically)

other wise

good luck

To be honest your advice this time is much better than your obscure brain damage link that you made before but I would love to know where you get some of your info?

These in particular border in questionable to just plain wrong...

Activities (some activities will stress you out)
Sex (too much sex can stress you out)
Exercise (over exercising can stress you out)

What kind activities are you talking about?? Unless we are talking about sky diving or public speaking etc its normally suggested to take part in some kind of activities.

Sex, your kidding right? Unless in the case of severe performance anxiety sex is relaxing and calming for 99% of people and it shouldnt trigger anxiety unless the feat is based on something that occurs during the act.

Exercise????? There has been HUNDREDS of studies into exercise and anxiety and everyone concludes its nothing but beneficial and is one of the most recommended natural activities for anxiety sufferers.