08-05-2010, 05:20 AM
Hi everyone. I apologise in advance for the long post but would REALLY appreciate it if you would read this and chat with me..... I could do with talking to people.
Im new to this site and I am interested in hearing your advice/views/opinions.
I have been feeling ill for nearly a year and a half now (Pretty much since the birth of my gorgeous little boy). The main problems started with the fact that I had a constant period that would not go away (I have bled every single day for the last 18 months). My mood has been fine and I have bonded with my son. No signs of post natal depression.
There is obviously a problem with my periods - but the doctors have never really been interested to be honest.
Over the last few months I have felt physically more and more ill. I am constantly fatigued, have sleep problems (sleepwalking, waking up with choking feelings, trouble getting to sleep). I have began to suffer from migraines, and have recently been diagnosed with IBS.
I have also had strange symptoms such as tingling and numbness in my hands. Burning feet at night and double vision.
The last couple of weeks I have began to feel breathless.
The reason I am posting on here is because I have recently been told that these symptoms are actually steming from an anxiety disorder. I even went to A+E the other night as I felt ready to collapse (thought perhaps the blood lost had caught up with me) - the nurse had the same view - anxiety.
These statements have forced me to have a "talk" with my self. The last few months I have felt genuinally physically ill like something is seriously wrong, and to be told this is caused by my brain....well its a very strange feeling indeed.
After some soul searching and reinterpretation of my symptoms I think that this diagnosis is probably correct. I have been unrealistic in my views that perhaps I have some chronic illness. Its clear that I CAN infact breathe....otherwise I would surely be dead, but these symptoms feel very real.
I think I have ignored some of my problems - for example not being able to stop moving when home alone (I cannot just sit and relax....if im not cleaning I feel guilty and nervous. Perhaps some one will knock on the door and think im lazy?). I rarely leave the house alone - summer is a particularly bad time for me as I have a completely irrational fear of insects that has really got out of hand this year.
I refuse to be alone in the house at night, I wont chew chewing gum or eat boiled sweets for fear of choking. I feel nervous when feeding my son incase he chokes... just a general uptightness. My husband tells me that he has spent the last year walking on egg shells because I am uptight and snappy.
I thought this was just who I am...but thinking back I did not used to be like this. Although I had a fear of wasps for didnt stop me opening the window or standing at a bus stop. Being truthful to myself I am pretty much a walking nervous wreck.
So next week I am going back to the doctors and she is considering putting me on Citalopram with is an antidepressant. It is a SSRI. Can anyone identify with my symptoms and has anybody had any experience with this drug?
I would really like to feel normal again so I am willing to give it a shot, although I would like them to sort out my constant bleeding first as I think this may well be why my problem started in the first place.
The strange thing is that I am a psychology student. I never thought in a 100 years I would suffer from a problem like this.... but I can see it is genuinelly an illness like any other physcial one.
Talk to me people. xx
Im new to this site and I am interested in hearing your advice/views/opinions.
I have been feeling ill for nearly a year and a half now (Pretty much since the birth of my gorgeous little boy). The main problems started with the fact that I had a constant period that would not go away (I have bled every single day for the last 18 months). My mood has been fine and I have bonded with my son. No signs of post natal depression.
There is obviously a problem with my periods - but the doctors have never really been interested to be honest.
Over the last few months I have felt physically more and more ill. I am constantly fatigued, have sleep problems (sleepwalking, waking up with choking feelings, trouble getting to sleep). I have began to suffer from migraines, and have recently been diagnosed with IBS.
I have also had strange symptoms such as tingling and numbness in my hands. Burning feet at night and double vision.
The last couple of weeks I have began to feel breathless.
The reason I am posting on here is because I have recently been told that these symptoms are actually steming from an anxiety disorder. I even went to A+E the other night as I felt ready to collapse (thought perhaps the blood lost had caught up with me) - the nurse had the same view - anxiety.
These statements have forced me to have a "talk" with my self. The last few months I have felt genuinally physically ill like something is seriously wrong, and to be told this is caused by my brain....well its a very strange feeling indeed.
After some soul searching and reinterpretation of my symptoms I think that this diagnosis is probably correct. I have been unrealistic in my views that perhaps I have some chronic illness. Its clear that I CAN infact breathe....otherwise I would surely be dead, but these symptoms feel very real.
I think I have ignored some of my problems - for example not being able to stop moving when home alone (I cannot just sit and relax....if im not cleaning I feel guilty and nervous. Perhaps some one will knock on the door and think im lazy?). I rarely leave the house alone - summer is a particularly bad time for me as I have a completely irrational fear of insects that has really got out of hand this year.
I refuse to be alone in the house at night, I wont chew chewing gum or eat boiled sweets for fear of choking. I feel nervous when feeding my son incase he chokes... just a general uptightness. My husband tells me that he has spent the last year walking on egg shells because I am uptight and snappy.
I thought this was just who I am...but thinking back I did not used to be like this. Although I had a fear of wasps for didnt stop me opening the window or standing at a bus stop. Being truthful to myself I am pretty much a walking nervous wreck.
So next week I am going back to the doctors and she is considering putting me on Citalopram with is an antidepressant. It is a SSRI. Can anyone identify with my symptoms and has anybody had any experience with this drug?
I would really like to feel normal again so I am willing to give it a shot, although I would like them to sort out my constant bleeding first as I think this may well be why my problem started in the first place.
The strange thing is that I am a psychology student. I never thought in a 100 years I would suffer from a problem like this.... but I can see it is genuinelly an illness like any other physcial one.
Talk to me people. xx