View Full Version : Say "NO" to Anxiety

Green Ways
08-04-2010, 10:11 PM
;) I'm so sorry to hear of so many anxiety sufferers out there!
That little voice in our head working overtime, or all to often a really big voice.
On occasions I still get bout's of anxiety, I put a stop to that, by telling myself to SHUT UP. This actually brakes the thought of my thoughts? for long enough to re-evaluate the situation and shrug it off.
You need a hobby or distraction. If we put our minds to good use, then there's very little time for worry, which is all it boils down too.
And if it's a really good distraction, you will take that to bed with you.
Much better than worrying about our self diagnostic doctor within, who by the way should be sacked?
I still for no apparent reason have heart palpitations. I'm fairly sure it will be to do with my 95% under control Hives! telling me I ate something that I shouldn't have.
Our body's have a strange way of dealing with problems.
As for a distraction, "Well", Ive got a good one!


08-05-2010, 12:50 AM
;) I'm so sorry to hear of so many anxiety sufferers out there!
That little voice in our head working overtime, or all to often a really big voice.
On occasions I still get bout's of anxiety, I put a stop to that, by telling myself to SHUT UP. This actually brakes the thought of my thoughts? for long enough to re-evaluate the situation and shrug it off.
You need a hobby or distraction. If we put our minds to good use, then there's very little time for worry, which is all it boils down too.
And if it's a really good distraction, you will take that to bed with you.
Much better than worrying about our self diagnostic doctor within, who by the way should be sacked?
I still for no apparent reason have heart palpitations. I'm fairly sure it will be to do with my 95% under control Hives! telling me I ate something that I shouldn't have.
Our body's have a strange way of dealing with problems.
As for a distraction, "Well", Ive got a good one!


Yup, the stop technique. It works well if you keep doing it and after awhile gets quite effective.

As for the self diagnostic doctor, I dont know about anyone else but mine is capable of making some fantastic conclusions out of nothing! :tongue:

08-05-2010, 02:22 PM
sorry to but in. However, i disagree with your suggest of using the stop technique as a cure.

Although, in zen style meditation, as well as other styles of meditation, telling your self stop when you notice yourself drifting off and worrying can sometimes help you to return back to the meditation.

Psychologists have done years of studies, which resulted in the conclusion that it was impossible to simple think your self better (or less anxious)
In fact, in many cases, people try so hard to stop themselves from stressing or worrying that they make themselves worse.

Also, there are people who suffer from conditions such as OCD and GAD that are constantly stressed and whom need a more fool proof strategy to cure or reduce their anxiety / stress.

Some people suffer from anxiety disorders that have been caused by damage to parts of their brain (which often have occurred due to prolonged exposure to severe stress. i.e. hippocampus/hypothalamus (controls stress hormones)/Amygdala

08-05-2010, 03:27 PM
Some people suffer from anxiety disorders that have been caused by damage to parts of their brain (which often have occurred due to prolonged exposure to severe stress. i.e. hippocampus/hypothalamus (controls stress hormones)/Amygdala

Look you are on a anxiety forum so telling people that they have anxiety from brain damage is wrong . Brain damage looks like it can not be fixed .
Do you not understand that this statement alone would be enough to put the fear of sh%# into someone in a bad anxious state .

Yes anxiety effects the brain but it does not damage it , it just sets the level that the amygdala is set at higher and the fact that the amygdala reads stress more easy . When you put into place the reducing and removing this stress then the amygdala resets itself back down to a more normal level . AGAIN IT IS NOT DAMAGED FROM HIGH STRESS . but just working out of whack .

How do i know this . Because my stress was so high for 4 months that it could not get any higher . I spent many days rolling around on the floor in both mental and physical pain from stress . Today with work i have reset the level the amygdala reads and live a pretty much stress free life 90% of the time and i have no fears from anxiety .

cheers kev :D

08-05-2010, 07:04 PM
sorry to but in. However, i disagree with your suggest of using the stop technique as a cure.

Although, in zen style meditation, as well as other styles of meditation, telling your self stop when you notice yourself drifting off and worrying can sometimes help you to return back to the meditation.

Psychologists have done years of studies, which resulted in the conclusion that it was impossible to simple think your self better (or less anxious)
In fact, in many cases, people try so hard to stop themselves from stressing or worrying that they make themselves worse.

Also, there are people who suffer from conditions such as OCD and GAD that are constantly stressed and whom need a more fool proof strategy to cure or reduce their anxiety / stress.

Some people suffer from anxiety disorders that have been caused by damage to parts of their brain (which often have occurred due to prolonged exposure to severe stress. i.e. hippocampus/hypothalamus (controls stress hormones)/Amygdala

The stop technique is not a cure no, its a technique used to stop the thoughts from running away with you. I also disagree its impossible to think yourself better, are trying to tell me theres no such thing as the power of positive thinking?

Like Kev said, you really need to consider your wording or you need to go back and learn what it is you are talking about in terms of stress and brain damage. Like I said on the other topic, brain damage is a permanent damage caused by a trauma to the brain. Stress alone CANNOT cause brain damage, yes it effects the way things work but it doesnt cause the damage you are suggesting. Trust me, I know what I am talking about.