View Full Version : Please help!

08-04-2010, 03:36 PM
Hello all,
I'm 16 quite underweight and lately i've been experiencing a bit of back pain like a pulled muscle sort of feeling along with a dull rib pain, I don't have any other symptoms because I feel fine otherwise.
I feel really gassy too and the pain isn't overly bad, just an annoyance.
I have an extreme cancer phobia and I'm so worried about it and also I'm worried because its close to my spleen and heart :(
It seems to get worse whenever I start to panic.
Whats causing this?
Thanks for all who respond :)

08-04-2010, 03:44 PM
hi littlehorri

firstly these pains that you are feeling have you been to your doc to see if there is a reason for them?? if not then thats what you should first before you worry or panic about them!!

also you say that you panic, how would you discribe this panic!! is it just excess worry or are you having panic attacks??


08-04-2010, 03:48 PM
Hi kenja,
I haven't been to the doctors just yet but I think I'm going tomorrow I'm just really worried.
And also I think its just excess worry as I worry about small pains alot thinking they're cancer or something and I just feel all my muscles tense up, like I asid the pain isn't bad it is bearable I'm just worried to what it is :(

08-04-2010, 03:58 PM
hi again

the first thing you should do is get the pains checked out and find their cause, because when you know that then you dont have to worry about it and maybe get a full check up bloods the lot to put your mind at ease,

you muscles tensing up etc could probably be as a result of your unnecessary worryin, so try to relax a bit about that,

it may be barable but none the less if its causing you stress then you should get it checkes, most phyical pain is barable its the non phyical pain that most unbarable

take care


08-04-2010, 04:05 PM
Thanks :)
My Mum who's a professional nurse thinks its just constipation or anxiety causing it as I've been going through a lot of stress lately.
But hopefully I should be able to get checked out tomorrow and find out whats wrong, I'm sure its nothing but another part of my brain's telling me otherwise.
Thanks anyway though :)

08-05-2010, 12:53 AM
Anxiety can cause all kinds of pain, in fact people often get random spots of pain with no reason what so ever!

I would say get it checked, not because I think theres anything wrong but it will help you relax and forget about it and its easier to move on from there. I have a bit of a cancer phobia as well, its amazing what you can turn into a symptom of cancer if you try.

Good luck!

08-05-2010, 01:58 PM
Got it checked out today, turns out it was just a stomach knot caused by anxiety giving me pain and a lot of wind and could take a while to clear up so long as I stay calm and practice breathing techniques. :)
Feel soo much better now and I got reffered to a counsellor.
I got two opinions aswell, one from my pharmacist and one from my doctor and both said it was anxiety so I feel doubly re assured :D

08-05-2010, 06:49 PM
Got it checked out today, turns out it was just a stomach knot caused by anxiety giving me pain and a lot of wind and could take a while to clear up so long as I stay calm and practice breathing techniques. :)
Feel soo much better now and I got reffered to a counsellor.
I got two opinions aswell, one from my pharmacist and one from my doctor and both said it was anxiety so I feel doubly re assured :D

Excellent news, glad you feel completely better after seeing them! :D

Practice your breathing and see the counsellor as well and that will put you on the right track for the future as well.