View Full Version : SOooooSick Help !!!

08-04-2010, 03:02 PM
I have belonged to anxiety support groups off and on for years and never heard of anyone as sick as I am - even my therapist on the phone this morning said that.

My nervous system is jumping to days of such extreme agitation that I walk and pace all day....then it will switch to such severe sickness that I am in bed and can hardly get to the toilet.....and I am having dozens of torturing symptoms that make me want to get a gun.

I am either so sick I can't write out a check to pay bills or so wired I do nothing but move and pace all day.

And yes I have tried all the usual recovery techniques and can not use anxiety drugs - I tried over 15 and had major adverse reactions.

Please tell me if anxiety can cause this and if you have been this bad


08-04-2010, 03:29 PM
hi james, sorry to hear you are like this at the moment, firstly id like to ask you have you any other medicat peoblems besides anxiety and what type of anxiety do you suffer from.

in relation to you feeling that yours is probably the worst, well we all feel that at times especially at attack times, in relation to your doc saying that well i wouldnt pay much attention to that as iv been told that several times by different doctors and therapiests even a cbt pro so dont fret over that as i know that can freak you out!!

my amswer to your question and i ope others will also share their views is that yea anxiety can and more than likely is causing your life to have gone in this direction , i say that because i was like that many times and still quite often feel the same way, and although getting the gun does play on the mind we have anxiety so therefor all have some level of intelligence and that is not an intelligent answer to your problem

maybe if you wanted to offer more specifics to your struggle we all may be able to offer you better advice

take care


08-04-2010, 03:38 PM
Hi Kenja

I have no other medical problems and I have a wonderful wife and life if it were not for this.


08-04-2010, 03:41 PM
hi razz

i totally understand and you are lucky if you have someone who can understand and support you


tell me you said you have tried it all before , so at this moment in time when you are suffering so bad , what are you actually doing to help yourself through these times?

08-05-2010, 12:57 AM
I have belonged to anxiety support groups off and on for years and never heard of anyone as sick as I am - even my therapist on the phone this morning said that.

My nervous system is jumping to days of such extreme agitation that I walk and pace all day....then it will switch to such severe sickness that I am in bed and can hardly get to the toilet.....and I am having dozens of torturing symptoms that make me want to get a gun.

I am either so sick I can't write out a check to pay bills or so wired I do nothing but move and pace all day.

And yes I have tried all the usual recovery techniques and can not use anxiety drugs - I tried over 15 and had major adverse reactions.

Please tell me if anxiety can cause this and if you have been this bad


Hey James,

I am guessing you feel really wired and thats followed up by feeling really sick right? Also guessing that this really sick feeling consists of feeling sick in the stomach, headachy, really tired, needing to throw up etc? Quite possibly a few others as well?

Correct me if I am off the mark with any of those.

08-05-2010, 07:13 AM
Hi Razz,

Razz havent you tried natural cures?