View Full Version : Was I diagnosed wrong?

08-03-2010, 07:51 PM
I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder. But after doing some reading, Im thinking I have Social Anxiety instead. Everything described as social anxiety fits me. Scared of people, crowds, going into stores by myself, eating/drinking in public, if im at the store with family and buying something I pick the line with a woman check out person, scared to deal with men. I hate talking to people/carrying on/starting a conversation.

I used to be so afraid to talk on the phone/call people, but I have been working on that, and it has gotten alot better, but I am still afraid to call back a man. I sell things online and I have to call people sometimes, and when I have to deal with a man, I will have somebody else call them for me. Not sure why I have the phobia/whatever you want to call it, of men.

08-03-2010, 08:23 PM
Hey Wildflower,

I am not an expert but panic disorder stems from anxiety if I am not mistaken. The social anxiety could be the root cause and the panic disorder being the manifestation of that if you follow?

Happy to be corrected but I think they are one and the same in many ways. That said, you will have to work on both elements of it.

Have you been working with some one or anything like that?

08-03-2010, 09:39 PM
Hi Wildflower

They are all based around the same things anxiety . They sort of just name it something diffrent because the symptoms may point that way .
For example you have trobule with people and someone else my have Compulsive thoughts .

I think that panic sounds about right for you and yours is based around social settings .

Do you know why you are like this ? Can i ask is it because of the way your anxiety makes you feel and you are scared that something may happen where you may make a fool of yourself .

I pick the line with a woman check out person, scared to deal with men Thats strange in a way you know, not you i just think its what you perfer . I am shy around ladies and always have been but you know when i have a problem i want to talk about i would perfer a lady . I think they listern better and are not as judgemental. Maybe you relate to ladies better than man i know i do .

Other than drugs what else are you doing treatment wise , what is your therapist working on with you .

cheers kev :D

08-04-2010, 10:26 AM
Phoenix is right. I am diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder but I have panic, agoraphobia and ocd also. I asked my therapist how am I not actually diagnosed with all these and only the GAD. She said I fit best in the anxiety disorder and have bouts of all the other items. They all stem from the anxiety.

08-04-2010, 03:37 PM
hi wildflower

al the posters are right, you may well have social anxiety that is causing you to have panic attacks or indeed the panic attacks could be forcing your aocial anxiery

your thing with men could be some class of ocd rather than social anxiety

i think you need to study this a bit more and study yourself too, did anything happen to you in the past that may have triggered this?

and as the lads said what meds have they given you and more importantly do they work for you and are you seeing a therapist and if so what angle have they taken

stay strong


08-07-2010, 10:13 AM
Hi Wildflower (nice, positive username, btw :tongue: ),

I'm just going to reiterate what everyone else has said, which is that all anxiety stems from the same place and that treatment for all types works very similarly. I was also diagnosed as having panic disorder, but I think I had GAD too, as my anxiety is constant, whether I'm having a full blown attack or not.