08-03-2010, 04:45 PM
I have been having heart palps for a year ans a half straight non stop. They never ever go away. It all started when I got pregnant. I do suffer from them but not this bad. I have had blood test and ekgs done to monitor my heart 24 hours nothing at all. Help!

08-03-2010, 08:32 PM
I have been having heart palps for a year ans a half straight non stop. They never ever go away. It all started when I got pregnant. I do suffer from them but not this bad. I have had blood test and ekgs done to monitor my heart 24 hours nothing at all. Help!


I know so many people who suffer with this and the answer is a really simple one!

If you have had it all checked out and it was fine you have nothing to worry about. The heart palpitations are caused by fear...your fear being of the heart palpitations and what they mean.

So you fear the heart palpitations, which in turn cause more fear and more heart palpitations, which increases the above and you go around and around and around.

They wont hurt you and you have no need to fear them. Honestly the best way to deal with them is never think of them again, if you feel one just take a deep breath and go on living without thinking of them. I promise you they will go away!

Good luck!

08-04-2010, 06:57 AM
hey mandi,

its just a common symptom of anxiety,

check out how you can get rid of it fast...

with a FREE tool I used

click the link below for more info

All the best

Louise evans

08-04-2010, 10:21 AM
Mandi-my palps also started during pregnancy and have never went away! I've had them for 7 years now. I have had several ekg's, event recorder, 2 holter monitors, non stress test, echocardiogram all with the same result; they see the skips and they are nothing to worry about! Well that's easier said that done! My cardiologist had a "heart to heart" with me and said I am obxiously anxious and seeing a therapist would be my best route. I have since been rationalizing my thoughts that surround the skips. I don't give them nearly as much attention as I used to and they have even gone down significantley which shows me they are caused by my anxiety disorder, and not my heart. I also tell myself, "look, 7 years later and I am not dead." That's proof enough that they aren't dangerous. Trust me, I have had the worst runs of these things and have been absolutley terrified, but we have to beleive the facts of our state of the art tests that our hearts are fine. :wuv:

08-04-2010, 03:51 PM
i know the palps are harmless when you get the al clear on the ecgs etc and can be scary at first when you dont understand them but when you do and you still get them occasionally or even all the time, they are so bloody annoying and irritating, i cant imagine what they must be like for people with health anxiety