View Full Version : Meditation

08-03-2010, 04:14 PM
Hello Worrier, (this is a reply to a previous thread on meditation, i have placed it in a new post as for some reason every time i tried to post it as a reply to the original thread, it didn't work).
Just like to say that meditation is a good way to go for treating your anxiety problem.
I talk from experience as I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and have tried some types of meditation in order to reduce the amount of anxiety that i suffer with some success.
Please do note that meditation is a long term solution and that you are not likely to get instant results.
However, if you keep on going, I am sure that you will get some positive results.
If you are not sure where to start, it may be a good idea to look for a body scan meditation cd from Jon Kabat-Zinn or someone of the same ilk.
I think that this type of meditation / relaxation technique is a good place to start as it gets you breathing and learning to relax straight away and without having to buy into any specific religion.
As well as meditation, it may also be worth considering altering your diet (take out all food stuff that causes stress such as stimulants etc.), changing your lifestyle (to only include stress free activities).
I would also recommend that you do meditation daily, as meditation is a bit like cleaning your house. It needs to be done regularly or it will not have much effect.
I am presently considering traveling to india to spend a few months in a place that i can practice meditation daily. (India is cheap, so I may be able to live for $60-$80 a week including food/lodging/therapy! which is probably cheaper than the cost of living in the US and UK).
I imagine doing meditation and perhaps some other relaxing activities such as yoga, tai chi chan, shiatsu and aikido on a daily basis would likely help elevate my anxiety.
However, if unable to travel away for regular practice of meditation, i am sure that you will still be able to meditate where you live too.
As for meditation being hard. don't worry. This is completely normal.
In fact, it may appear to be harder than it is. And every day is different.
One of the reasons why people often find meditating hard to begin with is that people living in modern day society aren't use to hearing their own thoughts, as modern day living is so full of exciting distractions and every second of every day is full to the brim with some thing to keep your mind entertained.
So when you start meditating, you suddenly become aware of all your thoughts that you weren't aware of before (although they were always were there) and this realization that your mind isn't still can be quiet shocking.
However, do not be alarmed. This is perfectly normal. It is just that your mind is spinning with thoughts and simply needs to be slowed down.
And this can be achieved by meditation and relaxation, but only in the long term. Also, meditation must be pursued constantly, even once you have managed to find some peace and stillness.
As, going back to the cleaning the house analogy, I am afraid if you neglect your meditation, you will again find your self back in the mess that you originally sought relief from.
Nonetheless, I wish you luck with your practice. May it bring you relief to your anxious condition.
Peace! :-)