View Full Version : anxiety meds help

08-03-2010, 12:12 PM
In the last two years, I began grinding my teeth, having terrible headaches, panic attacks, social anxiety to the point where I could almost function. I began taking Lexapro (20mg a day) and Klonopin (2mg) a day. After a year my anxiety in generally better but my weight has gone from 215lbs to 240lbs. I need to get off this medicine. I cannot gain anymore weight. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do or meds to try that dont cause weight gain. I've heard that exercising on these drugs won't cause you to lose any weight.

08-04-2010, 04:02 PM

sorry to hear your in this way, and i havent got much advise for you other that study all your meds and your ilness, and learn all you can, in my expierience the meds that they give you are not the solution they only make things worse, if even at their very best they are only ever a very short time solution, so id say try get off them and look for other sources of relief

good luck


08-04-2010, 04:10 PM
I agree with Kenja - it took me years to recover from Klonopin and was in the hospital 3 times for medication reactions.

08-04-2010, 07:59 PM
I think benzo's are the main drug you have to stay away from... They are only supposed to be for short term treatment, but for some reason people are kept on them for years. I'm on anti-d's (one week today) which have helped quite remarkably with my anxiety. Even still, they are not the solution, but I needed a break.
Have you tried exercising? I think that's a myth that you 'cant lose weight on them', it may be harder, but if the body works hard enough and you eat the right food (no fats etc) the body has no choice but to burn the fat.
You should attempt weaning off klonopin (which will be difficult) with the advice/programme of your doctor.
I used to take benzo's recreationally (had no idea how bad they were for your mental health - I was young and stupid, and caused my severe anxiety), and they always made me want to eat.
Exercising will also help your anxiety, as will a good diet.
good luck