View Full Version : I just need to vent

08-03-2010, 12:05 PM
Hello, my name is Dani & I'm new to this forum. I'm sorry if I've posted this in the wrong thread.

I have suffered anxiety since I was about 9 & that was nearly 11 years ago. I can't take this anymore. It used to only happen at night when I was alone & occassionaly but now it is all the time.

I've had counselling, medication & I've had so many tests done but nothing will help!

It started with chest pain & the odd panic attack. Then it was chest pain everyday & I went to hospital to have tests on my heart. At this point, I suffered from insomnia & I missed a lot of school as I was just too tired.

When I got to secondary school, I still have the chest pain but I developed a problem with my stomach. I've been diagnosed with IBS, anxiety has bought that on most likely.

Now, these days I don't mind the chest pains as I've learned to live with them but I'm having so many problems with my head. For the past year, on & off, but everyday for the last 3 months, I have suffered from tension headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, feelings of unreality, loss of concentration & tiredness. I'm struggling to sleep again. I guess I have to note that I have a health anxiety & when I feel like this I do make myself worse. Somedays, I convince myself I have a brain tumour & that I'm dying & then I get so down.

I just don't know what to do. My friends & family have stopped listening cos "its all in my head" & my doctor won't take me seriously. I'm only 19 & I feel so down as I can't imagine spending the rest of my life like this.

Otherwise I'm happy. I've been with my fiance 3 years & I've got a good job. I've got good friends & I don't understand why this won't go away. I'm sick of crying. :(

08-03-2010, 01:24 PM
Hey Dani, I ve had anxiety for 7 years and finally got over it about 2 years ago, there a really powerful software that I used, that has really helped me...

I feel like a completely different person, if you want to get FREE instant access to this powerful software click the link below...

Also I am going to be doing a Live group session on a Call on the 19/08/2010, revealing my secrets of how I got rid of my anxiety, and also answering different questions and answers to do with anxiety...

You can get FREE instant access to the software if you signup, and you will also be invited to the FREE call, so you can discuss what youre going through...

I know how it is with anxiety it can be pretty bad, but soon you will get rid of it fast...

All the best,

Louise Evans

08-03-2010, 08:43 PM
Hello, my name is Dani & I'm new to this forum. I'm sorry if I've posted this in the wrong thread.

I have suffered anxiety since I was about 9 & that was nearly 11 years ago. I can't take this anymore. It used to only happen at night when I was alone & occassionaly but now it is all the time.

I've had counselling, medication & I've had so many tests done but nothing will help!

It started with chest pain & the odd panic attack. Then it was chest pain everyday & I went to hospital to have tests on my heart. At this point, I suffered from insomnia & I missed a lot of school as I was just too tired.

When I got to secondary school, I still have the chest pain but I developed a problem with my stomach. I've been diagnosed with IBS, anxiety has bought that on most likely.

Now, these days I don't mind the chest pains as I've learned to live with them but I'm having so many problems with my head. For the past year, on & off, but everyday for the last 3 months, I have suffered from tension headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, feelings of unreality, loss of concentration & tiredness. I'm struggling to sleep again. I guess I have to note that I have a health anxiety & when I feel like this I do make myself worse. Somedays, I convince myself I have a brain tumour & that I'm dying & then I get so down.

I just don't know what to do. My friends & family have stopped listening cos "its all in my head" & my doctor won't take me seriously. I'm only 19 & I feel so down as I can't imagine spending the rest of my life like this.

Otherwise I'm happy. I've been with my fiance 3 years & I've got a good job. I've got good friends & I don't understand why this won't go away. I'm sick of crying. :(

Hi Dani,

Its hard to discuss these issues with people who dont have anxiety because when its in your head they dont really know what to say to you and like anyone else will tell you anxiety has no "magic bullet".

The best advice I can give you is this, if you have had all the tests done and they found nothing you have nothing to fear except fear itself. All of your symptoms are pure anxiety, read through the sticky list at the top with the symptom list and you will be amazed what you find.

Anxiety creates these massive monsters in our head that we just cant stare down, we get trapped inside our own head and ideas and cant find a way out.

Honestly, dont worry about brain tumours, thats something people with anxiety love to pick out because of the weird feelings when in all honestly brain tumours manifest themselves in very different ways but dont worry we are all guilty of it.

Health anxiety is my issues as well and I can turn the most vague symptom into something life threatening. We have to recognise that we are just turning nothing into something!

What form of counselling did you use?

Also from what I hear about the medication it can make you feel worse so dont worry about that.

Good luck!

08-04-2010, 11:45 AM
Hi there & thanks for replying. I just had normal counselling & I was on Citalopram. Felt great when I was on it but I have to keep it from my dad & I didn't like lying to him.

Health anxiety is awful. I've convinced myself I've got heart problems, stomach cancer, polycystic overies, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer etc. I know there's nothing wrong but its so hard to convince myself of that.

08-04-2010, 03:16 PM
hi dami, is it health anxiety that you are suffering only from???

as pheonix said look through a comprihensive list of the symptoms and you will probably see that most of your phyical pains are infact symptoms of your anxiety, its a long list. however it has to be said that although these things are caused by anxiety they are still reall things that are happening to you and simply just telling yourself that its all in your head is probably just going to feed your anxiety even more, so as we always say , educate yourself as much you can on what ever you need to, because in my opinion what ever the focus or reason for our anxirty, its anxiety all the same and can take us to our lowest points, and when you feel like you do now that there is no hope and you probably start to panic about it never going away, its not good only bad, so learn and try to understand, it wont make it go away but it will help !!

as of your ibs that you suffer from, is a classical example of this not just something in your head but actually really happening to you and although it may initially be cause by anxiety there is still a reason, blaming anxiety wont fix it, you just have to find your cure for it.

i would suggest seriously looking at your diet in detail as i would to any of us but you can address your prblems one at a time and actually see progress and it may even help your overall anxiety levels

here is a piece on ibs

It has been said that excessive amounts of low fat dairy products can bring on bouts of anxiety for no apparent reason for me if I have a lot each day. I'm not entirely sure why, but I have a couple of theories. I think it is partly because calcium can be an antagonist for magnesium, so the high levels in the dairy products may be throwing off my magnesium levels, which keeps my adrenaline flowing too much. I also tend to get irritable bowel syndrome if I have significant amounts of dairy, especially cold milk. The IBS throws off my digestion and prevents my body from properly absorbing all of the nutrients it needs to function properly, causing biochemical anomalies that negatively impact my nervous system.

Many doctors think people suffering from stress develop irritable bowel syndrome, but in my case, and perhaps others, it was the other way around. When I have problems with my digestion, I don't seem to be able to absorb nutrients properly, including magnesium, and I start feeling stressed out. I personally think doctors attribute way too many health disorders to "stress" when often a person's diet is what is causing them to be stressed.

hope it helps


08-05-2010, 01:02 AM
Kenja is right RE: The IBS.

I think it may be triggered by diet and/or stress. I get it only when I feel stressed or anxious, the rest of the time I am fine so its good if you can try work out what it is that triggers it for you.

Understanding is important, it helps you know whats happening and why although for me I found it helpful to blame my issues on anxiety rather than something else more serious, i guess it was a coping strategies that helped me!