View Full Version : medatation??

08-02-2010, 07:39 PM
i wana give it a bash to see if its any good as i have heard that it can really help with anxiety, i dont really want to pay for lessons or loads of books so if anyone knows of any vidoes that can be downloaded or info online on how to do it then pls let me know, or any stories about u if u have tried it and its helped would be good to share

many thanks x x x x

08-03-2010, 01:42 AM
Howdy Worried

Just do a google search for meditation and you should be able to find some great info

Medatation is just learning to stay calm , still and clearing your mind .

You need to find the sounds that suit you . Some like guided but i liked just natural sounds better .

You can also do it by focusing on a candle or such . It is a lot easier than it comes across .

Need any help drop me a line

cheers kev :D

08-03-2010, 09:00 AM
does anyone else find it incredibly difficult????

08-03-2010, 02:50 PM

does anyone else find it incredibly difficult????

Yes you will find it hard to start with but just keep doing it and it will get easier. Takes a couple of weeks before you really see it. At the start you may just feel a tiny bit but the more you do the more you will feel.

At this stage you are really trying to hold something still that dosent know how to . I guess a way to look at it is what you are doing is like trying to hold tigger from pooh from stopping jumping . Its hard and he will still jump but sooner or later he will get the message to stop jumping

cheers kev :D