08-02-2010, 09:11 AM
I would appreciate hearing from members what home based anxiety program you have found to help you the most. I realize that if they worked 100% you would probably not be here and would be out living a full life. But we are all in stages of recovery.

I can't afford to throw money at these but really need help in breaking this cycle I am in. I had severe anxiety at age 19 and was housebound for two years - then recovered and was anxiety free for 30+ years. Now it has come back worse than ever for 4 years and I am not improving.

So please post your thoughts and recommendations on these programs.

Thanks for reading


08-02-2010, 12:40 PM
hi razz,

I would say meditation, subliminal messages...

has changed me...

08-02-2010, 04:05 PM
Hi James

I would try anxietycenter but i think you have been there .

Have you read it all and put things they say in place ?

Yes to meditation , this is a must in my mind as it teaches your brain to shut up . Hard at first but works over time .

I would download louiseevans222 programe , there is good facts behind it and you dont really have to do anything , just run it when on the computer .

There is a program that i think would suit you . I will find its name and get back to you . It name is i think instant panic relief Dont let the name fool you its pretty good and comes in both text and mp3

realize that if they worked 100% you would probably not be here and would be out living a full life Mostly recovered and here for no other reason than i think anxiety is a very interesting subject and would like to help people so they dont go though what i went through.

I think you said your diet was good . What about supps . You take any or open to taking some ?

cheers kev

08-03-2010, 05:44 PM
Hey Dude.
Sorry to hear about your condition.
I am in a similar state really. However, I have in the past had some success relieving myself from anxiety.

From what I gather, anxiety can be caused by several factors such as lifestyle, job, relationships, diet, activities, behavioral conditioning and biological make up etc.

I believe that there are factors that are out of our control such as biological factors caused by genetic make up or brain damage etc.

However, there are a number of aspects that do have some control over that will allow us to reduce the level of anxiety that we suffer from.

From my present understanding, these are as follows:

Diet : get rid of all stimulants in diet ie. caffeine in coffee, tea, coke a cola and other fizzy drinks with caffeine and refined sugars in.
Get rid of as much refined sugars as possible. Get rid of as much alcohol as possible. Get rid of other food stuff that increases stress such as strong cheese.
All these food stuffs increase stress hormones in the blood stream that make you anxious and ultimately can cause brain damage.
Drugs: get rid of all illegal drugs in diet, especially cocaine, crack cocaine, crystal meths and other amphetamines. Ecstasy. Most psychedelic drugs also cause elevation in stress hormones. These include L.S.D., Magic mushrooms and cannabis. Again, all increase stress hormones in the body and in heavy users can cause damage to the brain due to increase in stress hormones (this type of brain damage can result in major mental health problems which include anxiety disorders).
I would also advise to avoid opiates, as although these types of drugs work in a different way to the others, the process of coming off these drugs after long term use causes much stress on the body's immune system which of cause increases stress hormones and again can cause brain damage. (You ever seen someone coming off heroin? not a pretty sight usually).
Anxiety Reducing Activities:
Now, cut out activities that you know put excessive stress on your body such as extreme Physical exercise and activities that release excessive amounts of adrenaline into the blood stream.
Over exercising will escalate your anxiety because over exercising puts too much stress on the body / immune system and causes an increase in stress hormones.
Cage fighting, bungey jumping and sky diving is probably on the NO list.
If you are still into your sport, there may be a work around, by taking a supplement called phosphatidyl serine that stops your brain from absorbing the excessive stress hormone cortisol due to exercise induced stress hormone release.
I personally recommend solgar brand as the brand of choice, as have tried and tested with success when compared to other brands which tested as inferior.
Regular Exercise is another way of reducing your stress. Going to the gym for moderate exercise is often a very positive experience which in my experience results in relaxing me to some extent.
Moderate exercise is known as a way of reducing stress hormones in the blood stream (as long as you don't over do).
After a session you are often left feeling miles more relaxed and sometimes much more happy due to the release of the happy hormones found in the endorphins.
Tai Chi Chan, slow Yoga, meditation and relaxation techniques are all good methods of reducing anxiety. However, these really need to be done on a regular basis, ideally daily for them to have any real effect.
Right Job:
If your job is very stressful and is making you ill, then perhaps time to get a new job or even get signed off by your doctor. As your job is the cause of your anxiety.
Right Relationships:
If your married to someone who is making you ill (I was), then, take my word. No man or woman is worth the misery that you suffer. Get away of the person making you ill and get a better one, or simply don't replace them at all, as relationships are almost always stress full. Even sex can put a lot of stress on your body as during sex the body releases stress hormones.
Right Living Environment:
If you are living in a city or an area that makes you stressed by simply living there then consider moving to some where that has a slower pace of life around people who aren't so aggressive. (Stay well clear of aggressive ass holes, no good for stress).
Old people's homes have become more and more attractive as I grew older by the year and I am only in my late 30's.
I am presently saving up so that i can go to India for a couple of months so that i can practice meditation, tai chi, yoga and aikido daily within a peaceful living environment around nice people who aren't trying to rob me, kill me, abuse me or stress me out. Perhaps consider to do something like this too.
And if you cant find an low stress living environment, if you can afford to, make one. :-) (i would if i could afford it).
Can help retain the way we think. This may help us reduce our stress levels by allowing us to learn to deal with problems in a less stress inducing manner.
Supplements that may help reduce anxiety:
Holy Basil
L-Theanine (works in a similar way to Valium but not as full on, again, recommend Solgar brand).
Licorice root (suppose to slow down the release of cortisol in the blood stream).
Phosphatidyl serine for exercise induced cortisol reduction
Omega 3 (cuts down on the cortisol)
Panax Ginseng

For more info on the above supplements read Patrick Holford's books:
1> Patrick Holford's New Optimum Nutrition for the Mind
2> Beat Stress and Fatigue: The Drug-Free Guide to De-Stressing and Raising Your Energy Levels
3> Natural Highs: Increase Your Energy, Sharpen Your Mind, Improve Your Mood, Relax and Beat Stress with Legal, Natural and Healthy Mind-altering Substances.

Relaxation CD's.
Jon Kabat-Zinn runs a stress reduction clinic and has released several books and cd's on anxiety/stress reduction.
The CD that I recommend by Jon Kabat-Zinn is called Body Scan Meditation and can be brought direct from him at his site. mindfulnesstapes
The series that i like is series 1, although i have not heard the other series of meditation on cd.

Other wise good luck! I hope you make progress in reducing your anxiety.
And may the world be a better place! :D