View Full Version : Anxiety

08-02-2010, 06:37 AM
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, after coming across is on Google..

I hope everyone is well this afternoon.

This is my life in the past 4 years (since I was 15)

When I was 15 years old, I started to become anxious about varies things. I tried to block it out, but it just didn't go away. It started to get worse and worse to the point where I started to stop going out (I was always out with my friends, they were ringing me, as usual, but I seemed to turn them down, which obviously they thought was pretty wierd). Anyway, as I said I started not to go out, feeling very anxious about even going out. I kept this hidden from my family (they knew something was wrong, but I never spoke about it, until my mum asked when I was 16). I told her everything, and we went to the doctors. I hadn't been out with my friends for nearly 8 months then.. (I was still in school, I passed all my GCSE's during this time, which was hard work, as you'd expect), and the doctors referred me to the hospital to have CBT treatment (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). I underwent this for about 4 months (I think), and I kept notes on how I was doing. It was hard work, it's not easy, I am not going to lie. When I was 17 years old I had finished my treatment, I was not 100% (and I am still not) but I started driving, I started to go out with my friends, I am with the girl I have always wanted to be with ever since I was 15, and we are still together now, I go on holidays, not just to destinations a couple of hours away, but I have been to USA also. I have my own car, I passed my A Levels a year ago, I got my own sporty car ;) etc etc.. It is possible to achieve goals. I have done it threw therapy, without any need of drugs!!

This is my story in as short as I could make it, to try and make people see there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am not perfect still, I still get anxious every now and again, with things I am not comfortable with. I like to put myself in control sometimes, and when I don't have control, I sometimes get a bit anxious (I think there are non-prescribed tablets you can buy to help with mild anxiety and stress, which I might consider taking when I feel a bit on edge, but to be honest I don't think I would need them..) I have done the hardest part on my own, with the help of my family and the kind support at the hospital, but does anyone have any experience of whether the non-prescribed tablets work? They are used to ease away any pressures of stress and everyday life (when I was speaking to someone in the Pharmacy, thats what they said)..

Thanks for reading everyone.. any questions, I will more than happy answer.. If anyone has anything they would like to say regarding my question at the end, please feel free to post your replies..


08-02-2010, 07:21 AM

Im not to sure about non prescribed tablets :|

But there is a way I got rid of my anxiety, and that was with a really powerful tool I used, I literally cleared it within a few weeks...

Its actually been proven, it may work for you, as it has been proven to work....

You can get FREE access on the link below....

All the best,

Louise Evans

08-02-2010, 08:50 AM
Hi Louise,

Thank you, I signed up, and am just about to download the software..

What exactly does it do, and how does it work?

It's nothing to do with hypnosis is it?


08-02-2010, 09:00 AM
I downloaded it, and done the 'Get Rid of Anxiety', and all the messages appeared on the right, and each one come up so fast I ncouldnt even read it..

How exactly does this work?

Do I need to do it daily?

I just done nearly 3 minutes, I went threw the list twice, then stopped...


08-02-2010, 06:32 PM
do it for as long as u can the more u use it the better i gues, so try to remember every time ur using ur pc to turn it on, iv started using it over the last few days so cant really say what its done yet and yes its so fast u cant even read it which does make me question if it works if u cant even read it, but hey im giving it a go, oh also u can tick other boxs to so not just for anxiety, iv also selected áccepting myself´´stop smoking´and something else......hope it works

lots of love x x

08-02-2010, 11:37 PM
Howdy all

You dont need to see it because your subconscious sees it and will start to believe those things to be true over time .

See on a conscious level you tell yourself I cant do this , this is to hard , etc etc after a while the subconscious is very powerfull and takes this as the truth .

Give you a quick story . I use to be a farm hand and would do slashing ( mowing ) now when you do this you look behind you to see were the slasher is and make sure your not running over any trees .

Well you would be amazed at how many times i turned my head back to the fount only to be hit by a rock in the back of the head , I didnt see it but my subconscious must have and in a slipt second it turned my head so that it protected my face .

Give it a try i dont think you have anything to lose . I am learning some people can do these sorts of saying to themself and others need a bit of help .
I did something like it for a driving fear and it worked . Just returned from 250klm trip with no worries

cheers kev