View Full Version : Feeling Ill this morning.

07-31-2010, 01:57 AM
For the past 3 days my anxiety has been making me feel off now, I
just can't shake it, didn't get alot of sleep last night now I just feel sick , like it's coming in waves and my stomach just feels in a knot.
I hate this feeling of just being unwell, it always feels worse in the morning aswell, anyone found away of easing the sickness or getting rid of the knot in your stomach.

My mind just races and I make my self feel ill
again, just having trouble keeping relaxed.


07-31-2010, 02:28 AM
For the past 3 days my anxiety has been making me feel off now, I
just can't shake it, didn't get alot of sleep last night now I just feel sick , like it's coming in waves and my stomach just feels in a knot.
I hate this feeling of just being unwell, it always feels worse in the morning aswell, anyone found away of easing the sickness or getting rid of the knot in your stomach.

My mind just races and I make my self feel ill
again, just having trouble keeping relaxed.


I feel your pain mate, is it something in particular your feeling anxious about or is it just that vague feeling of uneasiness?

The best I can suggest to you is just take some time to yourself and just zone out. Try putting on some cruisy music and just with your eyes closed and really listen to it. The stress and thoughts will still come but when they do just refocus on the music. Listen to the beat and and words and take it all in.

Good luck! :D

07-31-2010, 04:58 AM
Thanks for reply, it's just that uneasy feeling u get I'm ok for a while then I feel sick again. Will do what u have said though and just relax today. I'd probably feel better if I ate but my stomach just feels like it's turning.

Thanks again for advice Phoenix.

07-31-2010, 06:26 AM
Hey Jake,

Why dont you get a nice message,

I also recommend doing meditation it helps....

Louise Evans

07-31-2010, 08:18 AM
Thanks for reply, it's just that uneasy feeling u get I'm ok for a while then I feel sick again. Will do what u have said though and just relax today. I'd probably feel better if I ate but my stomach just feels like it's turning.

Thanks again for advice Phoenix.

No problems at all, I would suggest having something to eat too, even if you dont feel like it really. Sometimes that churning feeling is hunger, have some toast or something light just to take the edge off and just relax!

Have a good one!