View Full Version : pls read...is this true?

07-30-2010, 02:45 PM
just been googling some things about the subconcsious mind, one of the many thing i do to try and find out more about anxiety and to reasure myself, i was on you tube and came accros something that has really started to worry me. it was a video with lots of quotes and affirmations one of them was:

any thought that is passed on to the subconscious often enough and convincingly enough is finaly accepted


whatever we plant in ou subconcsious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion wil one day become a reality

so is this basically saying people like me that have high anxiety and worry about health al the time, if i think and worry about it so much which i do i wil one day make it happen. as u can imagine i feel very panicy and sick now

what are ur thought

07-30-2010, 08:34 PM
I have had that same thought in the past too, I can see where the logic is in it but when you think about it rationally it doesnt really make sense.

Look at all the people on the forum, how many are anxious of say...brain tumours? Its a pretty common thing for people to fear but realistically its not something that many get.

Look at other things as well, people are anxious of...many of them it doesnt matter how much we fear them we couldnt bring them on ourselves. We can talk ourself into creating the symptoms of problems and God knows I have done it myself plenty of times but we cant recreate the underlying problem.

Hope that makes sense?

07-31-2010, 08:32 AM
Hi Again,

yeah, the subconscious mind is powerful, but however negative thoughts are so much of a lower vibration then a good thought....

Just like sounds have a vibrations....

Thoughts have viabration, and for every viabration then is a reaction, in fact its a science, you shouldnt worry, because good is sooo much more powerful, then negative, because negative vibratios have a lower frequency, to a postitive, positive are so much more stronger....

07-31-2010, 10:57 PM
You don't have to worry any more about it, Worrier123, because you've already practiced your way into anxiety. What you read was to tell you that you CAN CHOOSE what you put into your subconscious.

So if you have an anxiety disorder and you want to stop having it, you must CHOOSE to put in happy, positive thoughts. You choose to stop being anxious by practicing happy thoughts all the time the way someone chooses to be a great pianist by practicing piano all the time.

What you read was actually a map to guide you out of anxiety. Anxiety suffers think that their anxiety is caused by trauma or their mother's nagging or spiders and snakes. Those are just the triggers. Anxiety disorder is caused by constantly practicing thoughts like worst-case scenario thinking or constantly wondering if people think you're an idiot.

Thinking happy thoughts is not easy. You can't do it without a structured programme. Just like how no one becomes a concert pianist without a structured programme.


08-02-2010, 06:44 PM
thanks guys uv really helped...i like the way u know so much about anxiety and can help people like me learn, b4 this site i just thought i was weird and worried about everything under the sun, i think i could get better just from this site....fingers crossed :) x x