View Full Version : Feeling sick with worry

07-29-2010, 07:38 PM
Hi All,

Just needed to vent and tell people how I feel. I am feeling sick with worry at the moment, terrified comes to mind.

I have a rough patch inside my mouth thats been there for a while, and I am now petrified its some kind of mouth cancer. I dont drink or smoke or use any kind of tobacco but yet its still there and I am really scared. I dont know what to do.

Thanks. :(

07-29-2010, 07:54 PM

Stop and see it for what it is .

My guess is that it is nothing more than you chewing your mounth from nervousness . You may not even know you are doing this . it might be while you are asleep .

If you are still worried about it see a doctor .

remember the outcome is worst than the thing we fear . The outcome we can deal with but the fear we cant

cheers kev :lol:

07-29-2010, 08:00 PM

Stop and see it for what it is .

My guess is that it is nothing more than you chewing your mounth from nervousness . You may not even know you are doing this . it might be while you are asleep .

If you are still worried about it see a doctor .

remember the outcome is worst than the thing we fear . The outcome we can deal with but the fear we cant

cheers kev :lol:

Thanks Kev, your quite possibly right. I could very well be doing something to it while I am asleep. I have noticed over the last month or so I have developed something of a fixation with the texture of inside my mouth but I think that came after I found the rough patch.

I saw the doctor about it, and he wasnt overly concerned but said he didnt know enough about it so gave me a specialist referal. I rang them up and te lady was nice enough, she told me it was a couple of weeks wait, I explained to her that I suffer with anxiety and she found a slot for me on Monday which is good.

I still dont like waiting that long, the waiting and the fear kill me.

Thanks mate

07-30-2010, 02:12 PM
i get that sometimes too, im constatly biting my skin inside my mouth and picking my lips ect, when im asleep or angry iv taken chunks out before, try not to worry about it too much hun i no its so so hard but just think positive which i also no is so so hard but pls try u wil fine i promise u, whenīs ur drīs appointment? would be good to let us know how u got on, also have u tried googling ur sypmtoms thats what i always do about every little thing i worry about and i dont go to the doctors as much as i used to cos iv learned to reasearch myself and reasure myself- keep ur head up lovely ur not alone


07-30-2010, 08:40 PM
i get that sometimes too, im constatly biting my skin inside my mouth and picking my lips ect, when im asleep or angry iv taken chunks out before, try not to worry about it too much hun i no its so so hard but just think positive which i also no is so so hard but pls try u wil fine i promise u, whenīs ur drīs appointment? would be good to let us know how u got on, also have u tried googling ur sypmtoms thats what i always do about every little thing i worry about and i dont go to the doctors as much as i used to cos iv learned to reasearch myself and reasure myself- keep ur head up lovely ur not alone


Yeah I dont know if I am biting it, its hard to tell because I dont do it when I am thinking about it. I am booked in on Monday, i hate the waiting part too. Makes me feel worried!

Yeah googling symptoms is a hard one, sometimes it can be reassuring and other times it can tip me the other way because I convince myself I have whatever it is!

08-02-2010, 12:10 AM
Just a bit of an update, reading back over my initial post I can see how negative I was being. Have to stop myself falling into that trap from time to time.

I went to the specialist this morning who basically told me to go out and enjoy my life. The things that I was noticing in my mouth a non anxious person wouldnt even notice he said. It was basically a scar that might have been there since god knows when but I only noticed it when my anxiety ramped up.

Amazing how anxiety can certainly put our senses and imagination on edge.

08-02-2010, 12:18 AM

Good to hear all went well .

Mate i would like to give you a tip .

Its not only the negitive self talk thats all the problem . See with anxiety it sort of comes natural and you worry about things because of the way its effecting you .

Try to see it like this , The anxious thoughts are often part of anxiety itself , May not be with you , I dont know what you were like before anxiety hit .

When something happens like this again just take a step back and relax . Just say to yourself i know that i am anxious about this and worried because i dont know what it is . So i will keep a eye on it and if it changes then i will see someone . For now i will just let it go and see what happens .

Remember you wrote something the other day that the worry of worrying in mostly worst than the outcome of that worry . Worring is such a wasted effort and changs nothing but our stress level.

I have to ask did you google or read somewhere about someone with something in their month. ??

cheers kev :D

08-02-2010, 08:00 AM

Good to hear all went well .

Mate i would like to give you a tip .

Its not only the negitive self talk thats all the problem . See with anxiety it sort of comes natural and you worry about things because of the way its effecting you .

Try to see it like this , The anxious thoughts are often part of anxiety itself , May not be with you , I dont know what you were like before anxiety hit .

When something happens like this again just take a step back and relax . Just say to yourself i know that i am anxious about this and worried because i dont know what it is . So i will keep a eye on it and if it changes then i will see someone . For now i will just let it go and see what happens .

Remember you wrote something the other day that the worry of worrying in mostly worst than the outcome of that worry . Worring is such a wasted effort and changs nothing but our stress level.

I have to ask did you google or read somewhere about someone with something in their month. ??

cheers kev :D

I do agree about sitting back and seeing how things go to a degree, the problem was I had been sitting on it for well over a month trying to just let it run its course. The issue became that it just wasnt getting any better and seemed to be getting worse. To be honest I dont know if it was getting worse because after a while I was totally second guessing myself to the point I was doing my head in.

Worry is a wasted energy, 100%, its just not quite that simple to turn off! :D But your right, the worry is often worse than the outcome.

No, hadnt seen or heard anything about anyone with mouth issues, just came on all by itself!