View Full Version : New here and suffering from Panic Disorder & Anxiety

07-29-2010, 07:19 PM
Hi. Ive been dealing with my anxiety since I was around 12 or 13 years old. I was doing better for a while, got my GED, got a part time job, which then I moved up to a full time job at the same company. I was doing good, when all of a sudden the anxiety started up again, I had a panic attack at work, and had to leave. They tried to work with me and finally after 2 weeks I had to resign for medical reasons.

Every little thing worries me. Going into a store by myself, I cant do it. Pumping gas, I have to pay at the pump, I cant bring myself to go into the gas station to pay. I just finally went to the new library last week to pick up my books instead of having my mother do it for me. I had to sit in my car for a couple minutes while I worked up enough courage to go in. Then this past week I had another panic attack, couldnt breathe, felt like I was being suffocated, racing heart.

I am currently seeing a counselor and psychitrist. Im on klonipin right now. I felt a little relief in the beginning, but now not so much.

I feel like there will be no end to my anxiety, and that I will never be able to get another job because of it. I cant sleep at night worrying about everything. I feel horrible because my family is going through all of this with me.

Is there any advice you could give to help me overcome this? I feel like such a loser that I can even go into a store by myself. Its horrible to feel like this.

07-29-2010, 08:48 PM
I have been seeing a Psychiatrist for almost a year. I am in "cognitive behavioral therapy" and it has been great! I was just like you, where I would sit somewhere and not be able to go in and go back home, and panic if I did do something. I am getting so much better, no meds, because of my CBT. I understand my anxiety and panic more now, and that makes it more accepting. The advice I have for you is to continue with the therapist. My anxiety started when I was 11...I am now almost 30.

07-30-2010, 05:25 PM
I have been seeing a Psychiatrist for almost a year. I am in "cognitive behavioral therapy" and it has been great! I was just like you, where I would sit somewhere and not be able to go in and go back home, and panic if I did do something. I am getting so much better, no meds, because of my CBT. I understand my anxiety and panic more now, and that makes it more accepting. The advice I have for you is to continue with the therapist. My anxiety started when I was 11...I am now almost 30.

I was actually thinking of stopping the therapy, as I feel it is doing nothing for me. But I talked with the therapist and decided to keep it up, and see the doctor again and try a new medication.

07-30-2010, 06:15 PM
u should definatly keep up the therapy that wil be the best option for u as they are trained in that sort of this, i had therapy once for a few weeks but i stopped cos i felt better then a week later back to normal, im from uk but working away in spain so i cant see a therapist here so when i have my bad days which is al the time really i always google things to reasure me and also being on here helps cos it does make u realise that there are so many people out there just like us. what is it excatly that u fear? and when u had ur first panic attack what was it do u think that caused it, like for me fpr example i havnt had an atack for years but im always extreamly anxious, my first attack was when i was 16 im 23 now and it was cos i felt a strong chest pain and paniced thinking i was have heart problems, so ever since then that is my fear and that is what im constantly worrying about so somehow its that that i need to block out my mind but how is the question, i no its al about the sunconscious mind and changing it back to the way it was before our anxiety levels were so high and ur therapist wil be able to help with that, and cbt training like someone above mentioned is also ment to be good as its al about changing the way u think so keep at it cos u wil get better i believe u can do it

all the best hun x x x

07-30-2010, 08:06 PM
my first panic attack i dont really remember since its been so long, and there have been many. I guess my fear is really about people, dealing with people face to face. I hate having to deal with people. im contantly worried that somebody will be nasty to me, or I will get yelled at for something, or I will do something wrong.