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07-29-2010, 07:09 PM
Not sure how this all works yet, but I'm dipping my toe in the water!

I am in my fifties and have suffered with anxiety problems all my life. My first memory of being 'really scared' was when I was 5 or 6 and reading in the paper that the world was predicted to end that day. Yes I really was that young and I really was that anxious! I recall sitting with the dinner lady at school (Mrs May!) and confessing why I was crying. She was incredibly kind to me and to this day I think of her with love.

In later years I remember my mother taking me to the doctor when I was about 9 or 10 because of my anxieties. He peered down my knickers, making me scared of doctors! I may laugh now but at the time it was awful and I still distrust doctors (despite having been a nurse).

My mum had an anxiety problem too and my husband insists that is where I got it from. But I think I am way worse than she ever was.

There is a lot more to tell and the anxiety has ruled my life .. psychiatrists, psychologists, CPNs etc etc. I have coped with it in ways that aren't good, for me or my precious children and grandchildren.

I am going to take some time to look around this forum and I truly hope that knowing I'm not alone is going to help me.

07-30-2010, 07:30 AM
Hi Steffi,

That seems a pretty long time youve had your anxiety!

I had anxiety for 7 years, but got over it, I havent had anxiety for 2 years now....

Havent you tried meditation or relaxation excersises?

Anxiety is all to do with the subconcsious mind....

When you can change that around, when you can change your thinking around, youll see change big time...

There is a software which I recommend using in which Ive used to help me get rid of my anxiety, and it changes the thinking to positive thinking...

Not all the time medicine is the cure, im not saying medicine isnt good because it definetely helps, but medicine wont cure anxiety, it only relieves the tension....

To cure anxiety you need to change your thinking patterns, as your nervous system is set at a high level, by telling your subconsious you are calm, you are setting your nervous system back down again...

Its always society that freaks us out whether we consiously see it your subconsciously see it, you shouldnt allow media, propaganda, and all of these stories we hear in our day to day life bother you....

In fact that is the main reason why I dont even watch the news anymore, I dont even watch TV, because you get fed with so much nonsense its unbelieveable!

If you want to get access to the FREE powerful software that can diminish your anxiety literally within minutes click the link below...

All the best Steffi

07-30-2010, 07:30 AM
Hi Steffi,

That seems a pretty long time youve had your anxiety!

I had anxiety for 7 years, but got over it, I havent had anxiety for 2 years now....

Havent you tried meditation or relaxation excersises?

Anxiety is all to do with the subconcsious mind....

When you can change that around, when you can change your thinking around, youll see change big time...

There is a software which I recommend using in which Ive used to help me get rid of my anxiety, and it changes the thinking to positive thinking...

Not all the time medicine is the cure, im not saying medicine isnt good because it definetely helps, but medicine wont cure anxiety, it only relieves the tension....

To cure anxiety you need to change your thinking patterns, as your nervous system is set at a high level, by telling your subconsious you are calm, you are setting your nervous system back down again...

Its always society that freaks us out whether we consiously see it your subconsciously see it, you shouldnt allow media, propaganda, and all of these stories we hear in our day to day life bother you....

In fact that is the main reason why I dont even watch the news anymore, I dont even watch TV, because you get fed with so much nonsense its unbelieveable!

If you want to get access to the FREE powerful software that can diminish your anxiety literally within minutes click the link below...

All the best Steffi

07-30-2010, 12:03 PM
Hi Louise

In fact I did try meditation when I was in my thirties. I went with a friend to learn Transendental Meditation; I got my mantra and I really did try, but I had a problem when it just used to make me fall asleep! I have also tried the Paul McKenna CDs and to be honest I do think they help a little, just not enough.

Yes, it is a long time and over the years, the result of the anxiety has brought along bouts of depression. That's where I am right now, first time in about six years and I guess that's how come I found myself here. I completely know that it is all to do with the subconcious and when I am feeling 'good' it's all so easy. When I'm feeling 'bad', like now, I just have no idea how to deal with it.

My GP prescibed 10mg of Amytriptiline (sp?) at night and when I am 'good' it works okay (I sleep!) but sometimes I need a faster fix and that's when a large vodka and tonic (or more) rears its ugly head.

Has anyone had any experience with Neuro Linguistic Programming or Time Line Therapy? I have a very good friend who is qualified in both and they say they can cure me! Sorry, probably wrong thread to ask about that.
