View Full Version : mind master....any good?

07-29-2010, 03:27 PM
im new to this site but posted a few questioned and answered too iv noticed the same person posting answers and then mentioning a link as to how they got help and rid their anxiety the book is called mind master but i dont think im convinced by it, i think its just images and words that can pop up on ur computer or tv but cant seem to see how that would help, has anyone else used this and had any luck with it or is it just one person trying to promote something. iv tried so many sekf healp books but not much luck it curing my anxiety so any thats worked for u would be great to know

thank u

07-29-2010, 06:49 PM
Hi worrier123

I think you will find it is a program and not a book .

I am looking into it but would also like to know more .

The information looks good to me .

Anixiety is all about what we tell ourselves and the way our subconscious mind starts to believe it .

It is all the about the sayings that you say when you have anxiety . Such as the what ifs. I cant do this , im scared of this . The more you tell yourself this the more your subconscious believes it . It does not need to be true because your subconscious only does what it learns . It sees in black and white not true and untrue and what it thinks it needs to do to protect you . Example you become scared of something because of feelings of anxiety , Your subconscious sees this , does not question it and files it away that you are scared of this and something it shoudl react to . The next time it happens it will react in .012 of a second to protect you because thats all it has learned .

Your subconscious is believed to run over 95% or your body . Just think of all the things you do with your subconscious walking , runnning , straching your nose , putting food in your mouth . All this is done with no thinking other than i want to do this or that . Once your subconscious know what you have told it it starts it automatic .

From what i undeerstand this programe gets into that subconscious and changes what it is seeing , It changes it from eg I cant do it to I can do it .

I think it is a good idea and well priced . I am thinking about it from quitting smoking .

cheers kev :D

07-30-2010, 11:19 AM
Hi Worrior,

Thank You, thats right forwells....

That same person is me....

Its not a book its a software, and you can actually get it for FREE, buy signing below...

These are not just any messages, these are messages that go directly to the SUBCONSIOUS mind!

I dont think you understand the power of the subconscious mind....

You really need to do your research about the power of the subconscious mind...

Your life reflects on what your subconscious mind has been programmed, the reason why you dont think its powerful is because is because you dont yet understand how powerful the subconscious mind is....

I have had anxiety for many years, and yes I did overcome it....

the software is one of the reasons why I am better, I have not just used this powerful tool, but also different tools to reprogramme the subconscious....

Your subconscious is the cause of your anxiety, as it has been set that way....

I suggest you learn more about the power of the subconscious and the power of the mind....

If you go to youtube, you can learn more about it, and I suggest you do Worrior...

It may seem as if it doesnt make sense, but it does really....

Also check out the power of subliminals, and subliminals is the software, you are talking about....

Take care

07-30-2010, 01:48 PM
hmmm sounds good but not sure if im conviced, iv been this way for years and tried pretty much everything and think its about time i just learned to accept that i cant change, its alot of money and i dont have that lying around and not many other poeple would either i dout, i just think if somethings thats good and has helped so many people why do they charge us for it-why would they not want to help people for free.....i would!

07-30-2010, 02:27 PM
Worrier, Its FREE....

Im not selling anything here....

Its my FREE gift, the video, says how much a software like that actually costs....its not the mind master that im giving away, its a similar software that you can use....

By Signing up to the link, you can get FREE instant access...

And you shouldnt give up on yourself like that....

You are only letting yourself down no one else, there is defientely a possibility that you can change by only changing your thinking, thats why Im recommending this software because there is no loss, all you do is signup, and you get it in your inbox....

Its not a book, its a software, and it is FREE, there is no catch...

You LITERALLY signup to the link below, and you get the download link sent to your email inbox....

Its completely up to you, its sad that you believe things like that about yourself, and you think so negative, when it doesn't have to be like that....

Any way

All the best

Louise Evans

07-07-2012, 08:27 PM
Hi Worrior,

Thank You, thats right forwells....

That same person is me....

Its not a book its a software, and you can actually get it for FREE, buy signing below...

These are not just any messages, these are messages that go directly to the SUBCONSIOUS mind!

I dont think you understand the power of the subconscious mind....

You really need to do your research about the power of the subconscious mind...

Your life reflects on what your subconscious mind has been programmed, the reason why you dont think its powerful is because is because you dont yet understand how powerful the subconscious mind is....

I have had anxiety for many years, and yes I did overcome it....

the software is one of the reasons why I am better, I have not just used this powerful tool, but also different tools to reprogramme the subconscious....

Your subconscious is the cause of your anxiety, as it has been set that way....

I suggest you learn more about the power of the subconscious and the power of the mind....

If you go to youtube, you can learn more about it, and I suggest you do Worrior...

It may seem as if it doesnt make sense, but it does really....

Also check out the power of subliminals, and subliminals is the software, you are talking about....

Take care

where is the link to sign

07-07-2012, 08:30 PM
Worrier, Its FREE....

Im not selling anything here....

Its my FREE gift, the video, says how much a software like that actually costs....its not the mind master that im giving away, its a similar software that you can use....

By Signing up to the link, you can get FREE instant access...

And you shouldnt give up on yourself like that....

You are only letting yourself down no one else, there is defientely a possibility that you can change by only changing your thinking, thats why Im recommending this software because there is no loss, all you do is signup, and you get it in your inbox....

Its not a book, its a software, and it is FREE, there is no catch...

You LITERALLY signup to the link below, and you get the download link sent to your email inbox....

Its completely up to you, its sad that you believe things like that about yourself, and you think so negative, when it doesn't have to be like that....

Any way

All the best

Louise Evans

where is the link to sign. for Free Mindmaster program. Thanks.