View Full Version : can u cause yourself major problem?

07-29-2010, 10:07 AM
one thing i constantly worry about and have fears about is my heart and having heart problems, im pretty much living in fear cos of it and feel nothing can make it better, the only thing im worried about is obviously a pannic attack can have the same symptoms as a heart attack for example cant breath pains and pins and needles in arms ect ect and a while ago i read a book called ´the secret´im sure alot here would of heard of it,i found it to be a very good book and helped for abit but then soon slipt back into my normal ways, but its basically saying what ever u think about u bring about and ur thoughts is what ur asking to happen and that when u think about something enough the úniverse´wil make happen....so do u think that u can really worry yourself that much that eventually what ur fearing will happen due to that,

ps i want to learn how to medatate too as iv seen alot of people on here talk about it and saying it helps with anxiety....so any help with that too would be great

thank u

07-29-2010, 11:57 AM
Hey worrier,

Yeah I know the book the secret, its a great book, I dont know if you got my FREE tool that Im giving away??

Its really amazing I use it daily, to change my mindset, to think positive, and Ive had amazing results...

This FREE software taps into the subconcious mind, its really amazin... I recommend it...

And also meditation is another thing, I use meditation and have gained alot of benefits out of it...

If your life isnt going well, then you dont look outwards for solutions, instead you look inwards, and youll find answers...

All the best Worrior,

If you want FREE access to the software, click the link below...

I know it will help because its proven, and it goes stright into the subconcious mind...