View Full Version : Relationship doubts - anxiety related?

07-29-2010, 07:37 AM
Hi everyone, i have suffered from an anxiety disorder for 15 years now and have been in a relationship for 2 years now.

I am looking for some reassurance and if anyone else has had or are having the same problem, how they overcome it and if anxiety can be the root of my problems.

This is my problem, I am constantly analazing her and wondering if my feelings are true, that i love her enough,and other what ifs.....

My feelings come and go, normally the feelings go for a few weeks which sends me on a spiral of doubt etc. then they come back, for a day or so. It seems worse when we have had a disagreement. When my feelings go it worrys me do death.

Can any help because it is runing my relationship and i so badly want it to work because she is everything i have ever wanted but the doubts are ruining everything.


07-29-2010, 01:13 PM
Hi Paul,

I think its defientely down to your anxiety, anxiety usually makes you feel like you dont want to do the things you want to do, makes you feel confused in your feelings...

Just be strong and tackle your anxiety, does your girlfriend even know you have anxiety?

I would tell her about your feelings she may think you dont love her, but talk to her about your anxiety....

Irecommend a powerful FREE tool I used to changes my life around completely, from having anxiety for 7 years to completely diminishing it...

To get FREE acces to the tool click the link below

08-28-2010, 04:36 AM
Hi! I know exactly how must that feel. I have same problems. It must be due to anxiety.

08-28-2010, 08:00 AM
Paul, I actually posted a similar question just today in the forum. I'm also quite sure it has to do with your anxiety, although I agree it's hard to distinguish the worry caused by anxiety from real changes in feelings for the person you're with. I wish I knew myself how to do that. But whatever your anxiety-free-feelings for your girlfriend may be, I can almost assure you that a great deal of these negative feelings are definetely caused by your anxiety. As I see it, people not suffering from anxiety also get upset by some things their partners say or do, but they don't generalize these feelings and draw conclusions about the relationship as a whole based on them, which is what I do and which seems to be what you're doing.