View Full Version : denial on everything

07-28-2010, 09:21 PM
Okay so most of you know my story. A brief is i have had anxiety for 2 years and have tons of meds but never take then i have been to a psychiatrist once who diagnosed me with only ocd which i know is more than that. i come from a broken home time 3 and my mom bipolar. manic depressive and has social anxiety. fun fun. well neways i feel like the world and everyone in it is out to get me. i have 1 best friend and 2 good friends and thats basically it. i have people i talk to but dont keep in touch with them enough to call em friends. well anyways where i live there are two girls that used to be my friends until we buttheaded heads and now there friends with eachother and there against everything i do. basically trying to make my life hell till my lease is up. everytime i buy something for my kids they go out a few weeks later and get it for there kids first a trampoline then a pool and now a electric scooter. i mean its insane i sometimes wonder if i go outside and crap in my yard would they do it too.

08-15-2010, 09:07 AM
I feel your pain on not really having friends, just people you know. I've never had a "best friend" and I'm your age. From talking to other's this seems pretty normal though. Not everyone is surrounding by a loving support network of good friends like they would want, I know I'm sure not.

But you can be confindent and learn to have fun without a lot of other people around. You would be suprised at how many people you run into from the past when you go out and aren't stuck with the same group of people all night.

Hey, and just having kids is great. You have them to love, regardless of how those other women act. I wish I had a family!