View Full Version : How do you Deal With Your Eating Issues?

07-28-2010, 04:38 PM
I'm not going to give my whole background story here but basically I have developed the great ability to be/feel sick whenever I eat food outside or with other people. Now whenever I go away for a few days, I also experience this feeling in the days leading up to it. When I'm home and eating on my own I can easily consume 2500+ cals.

This does have something to do with worrying as it's anxiety related, I worry about throwing up. But I literally do throw up, it's not me being a wimp and worrying over something pointless. My stomach literally feels like it cuts all contact off with my body. When I say this I mean my appetite will go from very high to completely nothing in milliseconds. This is how much of a lack of control I have over my body.

What I want to know is, if anyone has something similar, how do you deal with it? I have CBT and the woman advises me to eat out whenever I can. I can force some food down me if I'm alone, all be it a little. No matter how many times I do this, it doesn't change the fact I still have a crappy appetite and I still don't feel hungry. Oh and when it happens I burp all the time. It is like when you get nerves before a performance of some kind, but 10x worse and happening all the time.

So, any advice or people who can relate?

07-28-2010, 06:33 PM
Firstly, I would like to tell you that this is SO common! my brother had exactly the same thing..

He worried about being sick, so he was sick!

Its a horrible anxiety cycle in you're head, and it can be cured with the right people, who can alter your thoughts in you're head with alternative thoughts!

My brother used to eat almost anything and be sick.. he would be sick about 10 times a day at one point!

this lastest a few years.. anyway, how did he recover from this?

He basically told himself that he couldn't give a shit if he was sick... he didnt care if he was sick over the pope (alternative thought) and within weeks it would all go away...

You need to challenge your thoughts.. you will realise when you take the CBT.. whenever you have the thoughts your having, have an alternative thoughtm such as "I couldn't care less if i'm sick" "My friends understand and it really does not matter!" "being sick is completely normal, everyone is sick" "I feel sick, woooopiiidoo! and?" "I'm not going to die, it's nothing"

get the drift?

The reason why you dont feel hungry is because you're anxious.. like before an exam or something.. its exactly the same as your thoughts.

Finally, your therapist is RIGHT.. you MUST keep going out as much as you go and expose yourself to your problem... you must keep going out, everyday.. its so important!

anyway, all the best... you'll be fine xx

07-29-2010, 03:36 AM
Thanks for the reply. The technique you've given is good, and I have used it before in some situations. It's just that sometimes it literally feels impossible to eat because of the way my stomach is. Like, if I'm nervous about something (which is normal) I will be much more nervous than another person and won't be able to eat because of it. But I wasn't like this before.

07-29-2010, 05:35 AM
Yeah it is so common to feel sick, I dont think its you that hasnt got control over your body...

Without thinking your mind pumps your heart, allows your lungs to breathe, and allows your body to function right??

Your completely in control, but its only your thinking and your perception, you feel as though you are not in control because of your anxiety...

I know about burping and also yawning, I used to get that out of anxiety, also I used to fijit alot...

But there all common, just relax, I recommend a powerful FREE tool which I used to get rid of my anxiety, it really works well...

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