View Full Version : HI Guys new here. My experience with Anxiety.

07-28-2010, 09:46 AM
Hi everyone, I have suffered from anxiety for 7 years now and the first 5 years of it were the worst for me, from all the different symptoms you get I honestly thought I was dying and would read up on the internet about every illness there was out there, if it matched my symptoms then I had it.

Just reading most peoples posts that are new to anxiety I have noticed that they are confused just as I was about if there symptoms are normal for anxiety, I know that I couldn't believe most of the symptoms were anxiety related and just wouldn't believe my doctor, didn't matter what they said.

After feeling anxious today I found this website and its really helped calm me down again being able to relate to others, so I thought I would just share some of symptoms I have had and maybe someone who is feeling that way and worried about there health will feel calmer knowing it is just a symptom of anxiety.

So here goes.

Feeling Sick.
Weakness. ( first 3 very much like the symptoms of flue).
Floor feeling like a trampoline while you walk.
Numbness in my upper legs (thighs).
Numbness in my lower sides.
Lack of strength and mobility in my hands, arms and legs ( I was literally dragging my feet I just had no strength and my fingers and hands were really stiff and weak, this also put me in bed for 2 days, I was assured by my doctor it was infact anxiety symptoms).
Racing thoughts.
Racing heart.
Shallow breathing.
Feelings of just immense fear like something terrible will happen to you.
Loss of appetite.
Feelings of being looked at by others and judged (social anxiety, I still have difficulty eating in public places but have learnt to deal with it and can now cope much better than I used to).
Tingling sensation ( I got it mostly in my hips, left side of body and right side of face).
Stiffness and aches in your muscles ( gets me in my lower back and fore arms).
Muscle spasms.

Thats about it, so as I you can see theres a fair few there out of all those though I now only suffer from about 4 and that may happen if Im over tired or stressed out with things going on in my life.

I just hope that if you have been diagnosed with anxiety by your doctor and your symptoms are scaring you that this will help you realise it will not kill you and the symptoms will gradually get less when you confront it.
I still have my days where I will feel off or not hungry but its now every
4-6 months not every 2 days.

Hey if I can get better then so can you, so if your feeling really crappy today just think this isn't permanent and its passed before it will go, try not to panic ( easier said than done i know) and learn from your symptoms remember them, the more you understand them and recognise them the less you will fear them, this will then stop that chain reaction because you will just think oh yeah thats my anxiety and learn to ignore it.

This is all just my experiences and what I've done to help it, it does go deeper than this though I did have help and was given advice on how to cope but what I've been shown and taught has worked well for me so far.

I hope this is of comfort to you and makes you feel just that bit better.

A fellow Anxiety sufferer.

07-28-2010, 03:23 PM
Hi Jake,

Yeah I used to get all of those symptoms, its horrible, I know how it feels, mine actually developed into agoraphobia, thats when your too afraid to leave the house...

I recommend doing relaxing excersises like meditation, I also recommend a powerful FREE tool I used, which really worked for me..

To get FREE instant access, click the link below...

All the best Jake :)

Hope it helps