View Full Version : Anxiety Denial

07-28-2010, 07:03 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm a 24 Year old, Healthy Male, outlook on his current life is generally good but has now suffered with what has been diagnosed by doctors as anxiety/stress related issues for one year to date. I am posting to get the opinions of those who have accepted their anxiety diagnosis, as I am having large reservations with this as my outcome.

It all started one year ago when I was sitting in the cinema, just a sudden "feeling" of nausea without vomiting. This continued to appear very intermittently for the following three months at random times (at work, social events). Come September frequency increased coupled with a sense of confusion and lack of energy whilst at work, rest or play.

One night I began to see bright lights in the corner of my eyes and momentary loss of sight when standing up (typical migraine symptoms?) This was enough for the local hospital to admit me in which I had a CAT, MRI and spinal tap done, all of which was inconclusive/clear. The reason for such extreme medical attention was a long serving run of neurological problems on my father's side (MS, Anurism, Alzheimer).

Since then I got back to work almost instantly but still feeling dizzy, intermittent nausea, feeling nervous/scared of an "anxiety attack".

Doctors then put me on Propranolol Hydrochloride (80mg) which I take once a day and have done now for nearly 6 months. These have almost erased my problems but on occasion I do feel a sense of intoxication (floaty feeling) and have begun to experience visual problems (I have to second glance at things occasionally as I perceive them as different in terms of size, colour, shape or mobility)

My only reason for refusal of this diagnosis is that I am an extremely confident person. Before I acquired these problems, I went around the world alone with nothing but a backpack, money and a sense of adventure, I've performed to crowds in excess of 10,000 people, and there after I have taken nerve racking industry exams and interviewed for several jobs with no "attacks" but can fall apart during watching a movie with my girlfriend.

So what my my underlining question is, is it possible to have immobilising anxiety if the person in themselves is very outgoing? When I have these symptoms I do not feel scared/worried, it is like it is caused by an undefined variable such as allergic reaction or another reason.

Thank you for reading this far and I hope someone can help put stop to my indecision to accept anxiety as a diagnosis.

07-28-2010, 07:14 AM
Hey Jackson,

Sounds pretty strange, if youre not feeling scared, and youre not really that panicky then maybe its not anxiety??

However, you must know that not neccesarily do you have to be scared of everything, you said you feel apart while watching a movie??

so, maybe you do have anxiety, and its triggered by something at that time you watched the movie...

You dont have to have a phobia of crowds, if your anxious, anxiety can be many different thing...

Everyone has their anxiety in their own ways....

What may make you feel anxious may not affect someone else...

Ive heard so many stories of all different people with all different symptoms....

What did you feel in when watching the movie other then feeling sick?

07-28-2010, 07:50 AM
Thank you for your reply!

Sorry, I used the expression "fall apart" as terminology for not feeling OK (intoxicated, balance, overwhelmed, nausea) and the occasion of watching a movie with my girlfriend as a bi-polar opposite of something that would likely cause anxiety.

I think If I am experiencing anxiety.....it is sub-concious, is this possible?