View Full Version : Fight anxiety from your couch

07-27-2010, 11:14 AM
Changing your breathing is one of the fastest ways you can change how you feel.There are a few different breathing technigues and today I will discuss 1.
I know that scary anxious feeling and I know that you might be thinking...hey dude...my fear is real and some breathing technigue aint gona make it better.
When you are feeling anxious and you do at that moment decide to do a breathing technique,you are in effect taking your mind away to some extend from the control of the anxiety.You are fighting it and it takes your mind of it.You are pushing yourself into the right direction.You have something to do instead of remaining passive or fuming.

This one is called:Breathing calm.
Altering your breathing instantly alters you emotional,physical and mental self.Breathing is something that comes automatic therefore we are probably not doing it as good as we can.
Sitting quietly and allowing you breathing to become slower and shallower can within a few minutes produce a calmer state of mind.
Breathe in through your nose slowly for 4 seconds and out through your mouth for 6 seconds.
When you feel that this helps you and you do it regularly it will boost your confidence.Now you have that extra weapon in your armour of sorts.
Very important...while you are changing the way you breathe also change what you are thinking of.While breathing think of something fun that you are going to do in the next couple of days and if nothing pop's up then see yourself having fun somewhere in a bar with a lovely ice cold cocktail laughing with some friends...Your anxiety won't know what's hitting him!

It takes practise but the more you do it the better..

Hope this comes in handy to someone.

07-27-2010, 01:59 PM
a good tip i was told that gives a certain type of relief is to exhail for twice the length of time as you inhail so it its in for 2 seconds its out for 4 and if its in for 3 seconds its out for 6 etc depending on your lung capasity, preferable with your back in a straight upright position