View Full Version : so sick of living in fear!!

07-26-2010, 08:08 PM
since i was a young kid iv always worried about things and mainly health issues, i remember one of the fist things i was worried about is my coller bone....i thought it was a tumer...i was 9 yrs old!!! im now 23 from uk and stil im pretty much the same, always worrying about health issues, if i have a headache iŽl think what if its a hemerage, if its stomache ach iŽl think what if its cancer basically just everything and anything the list goes on. my main fear which i want help with is that i constantly worry thinking i have something wrong with my heart, iv been like this for years so have done a fair bit of research and also seen a councelor for a while so i no anxiety does effect the heart, like i get chest pains alot but most the time that turns out to be trapped wind but is so very scary, i focus on my heart beat and my breathing and sometime theyŽre out of sink with each other, iŽl get pins and needles and sometimes pains in my arms which all are so very very terrifying for me, so as u can imagine i worry about having heart problems/heart attack- which then causes me to focus on this, which then gets me worrying which then causes al these things to happen, and it happens very often and especialy 10 times worse if its the day after a heavy night out. im just sick of living my life in fear, noone seems to underdstand, a few friends and family no what im like but no way to the extent of what im really like. i just wana no that im not alone cos i really do feel so lonely in the world, i want to no why im like this and is there really anything that can help me...im 23 should i really stil be like this? iv never taken anything for it mainly again cos of the reason that as soon as id take something id panick and worry what it wil do to me, im constantly online googling things to try and reasure myself, bought self help books but always slip back into my ways. im always so so scared and really just dont no what to do anymore :( please help me

07-26-2010, 08:13 PM
I know what its like to live in fear, its a horrible thing. I know what your going through and its not nice at all! If it makes you feel any better your not alone and everything you have mentioned is a symptom of anxiety!

07-27-2010, 08:24 AM
Hey, I know exactly how you feel, this sounds like you have GAD generalized anxiety disorder...

And youre very right, it does really feel scary, and you can really feel fedup with your life....

Ive been throught it for many years, and noone freinds and family wont understand becasue they are not going through the same problem...

they try to understand it, but they can't because they dont know what it feels like...

It can be really scary, because anxiety is all about FEAR, its actually not real, even though it can feel so real, as if your dying, or you cant breathe...

sometimes it feels like youre going mad...

I used to have the whole lot of GAD, and it even got to agoraphobia, where I dodnt even wanna walk out of the house...

Several years I had it, until I found a powerful FREE tool online, it helped me so much, and now for 2 years I havent had anxiety....

I feel like a free person, I know how it can really feel as if its taking oer your life...

I recommend you use this powerful tool, it helped me, it can work within weeks, some days!

To get FREE instant access click on the link below

hope it helps you Worrier...

Its all a mind thing, and its just that your nervous system is set higher than normal, causing anxiety to be an outcome, this proves that you are perfectly normal, when your nervous sytem is set high, its a normal reaction...

Click the link below and you can start using the tool now...

All the best ;)