View Full Version : 30 year old male experiencing hell all over again

07-26-2010, 06:48 PM
I write this in hopes it will ease my pain briefly.
I am a 30 year old guy and have had to deal with what is known as General Anxiety Disorder or GAD. It is as you surely know an condition which makes you experience unrational fear and dread. It comes in episodes which can last for few weeks to many months, in my occasion at least.

I have been battling this ailment for as long as I can remember, my earliest experience I can remember is when I was 3 or 4 years old, my mom had taken up a night cleaning job at the local elementary school and she left me home with my older brother to look after me. One night my brother went out when he was supposed to be watching me. I immediately was struck with fear and despair, afraid the he wouldn't come back or even my mom. Alone in the apartment I dialed a random number hoping my mom would pick up, but instead a total stranger answered, that's when I started crying.
I still remember this feeling because I still experience it 25 years later, I have had a few episodes that I think would qualify as a nervous breakdown mostly around my teenage years but the last "bad" one happened few years ago. It sometimes gets so bad that I canīt help but shed some tears, cry if you will and that makes me feel weak, a grown man shouldn't cry, but when things seem so bleak and there are no exits, I canīt help it.

Today, I'm a wreck, I feel I canīt cope with today's world, every bit of stress wears me down and the anxiety kicks in if I donīt find a way to relief myself of the stress. Now I feel like hell, I graduated from university this summer with b.s degree in computer science. My final exams took their toll on my mental health but I managed to pull through. Now I have just started my first job related to my education as a web programmer and my anxiety is killing me, I'm so afraid I'll fail, that I'm not qualified enough to do my job.
On my first day I got an assignment involving manipulating a website written by another programmer. I had some difficulty understanding his code and there were some parts I've never dealt with before. I froze, I started sweating like crazy, I just stared at the screen feeling awful. I managed in the end to understand it and get some work done but I canīt shake the feeling that tomorrow I will be in the same situation, I've been all this evening fighting my fear of what to come.
I've considered resigning to escape this feeling but I refuse to give up just yet though, I hope I'm just exaggerating things, I know deep inside I'm qualified enough for this job and it takes time to develop a sense of professionalism.

Anyway thanks for reading

07-26-2010, 07:16 PM
Thats no good, I know what you mean being a 30yo guy and feel like you need to be strong.

I struggle with anxiety as well although mine is nearly always health related, there are many times I just want to give up and break down and cry but thankfully its mostly just with my GF.

With the job, your new to it! They wont expect you to be perfect and they will take nerves into account. Running away from it wont help, just stick to it and dont worry about them, it will take care of itself.

07-27-2010, 09:10 AM
I think its excellent that you graduated through all of that anxiety...

Just imagined what you could do without that feeling?

if you could get that feeling of confidenced, I think you have great potential, dont let your anxiety hold you back...

Be strong, think about it, you have anxiety and you have done something people without the setback feeling of anxiety has done...

Carry on and DONT give up, dont let it beat the better of you, you will only lose...

I reccommend you a powerful FREE tool I used to get rid of my anxiety which I had for several years, and now I havent had it for 2 years...

You also have the control in your own hands of beating these horrible anxious feelings...

In fact this FREE tool is able to get rid of your anxiety within weeks, some say days!

To get FREE instant access click on the link below...

Just dont give up, because you are successful, and you are able to get rid of these feelings that are not even real, in fact they are all in your head...

All the best Tralli

Louise Evans

07-27-2010, 01:44 PM
Hi there.I'm also 30 and I'm in the same boat my friend but you must hang on!Quitting your job ads the financial stress.Then looking for a new job,interviews,new people to work with..So much easier to just hang in there!

When I was little and actually it must have also been at around 3-4 years of age cause when I went to pre-school for my first day I cracked.I dont know what happened.Was it that day or was it before I dont know.I just remember begging my mother in tears to please not make me go back there again.It was a frightning experience and I still dont know why.

I'm now a personal trainer and I'm dealing very well with my anxiety thanks to exercise and more exercise.I got interested in personal training after I read about endorphins.A chemical produced in your brain when exercising that makes you feel good about yourself and puts you on a natural high.It's a great anti anxiety method.Serotonin is another chemical produced that reduces depression levels.If you exercise regularly,I'm telling you man..You become a new person.Combine that with healthy eating habits and you will put yourself on the right track.

You have a great qualification and job by the sounds of it.Don't allow this anxiety to get to you man.If I can do it so can you.If you need any advice with regards to personal training,exercising,healthy eating,meal planning,programme planning or anything else,I give you all the advise free,just leave a comment to my daily health tip and I'll get back to you ASAP.My blog is dedicated to health and free to all.

Keep fighting man..You can do it!

07-27-2010, 05:15 PM
Thank you all for the kind words, I'm feeling much better today