View Full Version : Positive results from exercise-Simply a must!

07-26-2010, 01:11 PM
Here is something helpful that I came across and I think it fits in well in this forum.
1)Relieves anxiety and stress
Remember you must exercise regularly and really push yourself.A quick walk around the block...well...just aint gona cut it.Exercising releases hormones that relieve stress and it gives you that lovely sense of well being.Ever heard of the runners high?Try it..
2)Alleviates depression.
Exercise releases serotonin in the brain and that serotonin fights(yes that is the words they use)fights negative thinking that leads to depression.That serotonin is a chemical that you really should befriend!
3)Boosts our mood because of the release of endorphin,another chemical that you need to call your close buddy.
4)Improves self esteem cause you give yourself that sense that you are taking care of yourself
5)Sharpens you mind and the power of the brain.Increased blood flow to the brain and again the endorphin chemical also helps with concentration.
6)Increase in physical energy means that you are just more up for doing things cause you dont have that lazy tired mood that just drags you into the depths..
I hope that helps..I'm def going for a long long jog tomorrow..anybody joining me??
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Hope to see you there!

07-27-2010, 02:09 PM
good post!!

also when we are anxious or have an anxiety attack or a panic attack our body releases adrenlan into our systems when it senses the fear, its a natural defence thing that the body does, but we dont need this adrenlan and it stays in our system contributing yo our anxity symptoms and exercise of any discription but a good workout helps burn off some of this excess adrenlan helping us to feel better and can also help us sleep

07-27-2010, 02:51 PM
Absolutely Kenja!
I can't see how one can go without exercising.Maybe that's why kids are so happy and full of life.Cause they are running up and down all the time.. :)

07-27-2010, 02:52 PM
quite possibly

or maybe they are just free from anxiety................

07-27-2010, 04:00 PM
Remember you must exercise regularly and really push yourself.A quick walk around the block...well...just aint gona cut it.

Actually, ANY exercise is beneficial. It is a myth that exercise must be vigorous, or it is all for nothing. Even going out and working in the garden has benefit over just sitting and watching TV for the same amount of time. This is particularly important for those people in poor physical shape to remember. Because it is SO ingrained that only vigorous exercise is beneficial, many 'couch potatoes' don't exercise because they simply can't do, say, a four mile run. They figure that what they CAN do is simply not enough to benefit them. But the fact is that, even if a walk around the block is all that you can do, then it is still beneficial. Besides, being able to run a few miles is something which must be worked up to. We all need to start somewhere.

The bottom line: ANY exercise you do is better than just sitting around.

07-27-2010, 11:03 PM
Remember you must exercise regularly and really push yourself.A quick walk around the block...well...just aint gona cut it.

Although i believe in the first but the second bit is incorrect .

Anxiety is all about the body living in shock more or less and the nerves living on high .

Remember the body is stressed and pushing it is only going to place more stress on that body and increase your axniety symptoms which is going to be no good for someone that has health and anxiety and is worried about these symptoms .

Yes exercise is good but it is in the form of a mild walk or bike ride etc and not in the form of pushing yourself in order to put more stress on a already stressed system.

cheers kev

07-28-2010, 01:11 AM
You are right Kev.
Even going for a lovely evening walk would do you good.I think being outside and just going for a walk seeing some green and feeling the fresh air has an immediate positive effect on the mind whereas really pushing yourself on a long jog will a physical bonus in the form of endorhins and serotonin.Also as Kenja stated in a previous post.One who suffers from anxiety will probable have too much adrenaline that is not needed in the system and exercise can help reduce it.

07-28-2010, 12:59 PM
different things work for different people, some people need to exercises more than others to get the relief, a lot of exercise for someone depends from person to person what a lot is, but the body is already very stressed and its very important that you dont stress it any further or the results are counter productive

i think the main point is that any exercise is important for anyone suffering from anxiety, it can be a great help in many ways but anything is definatly better than nothing and you should definatly try it, and if you cannot leave the house then do something indoors, there is plenty you can do!!!

07-29-2010, 03:50 PM
I think the most important thing to remember here is that, if someone needs to be told that they should exercise, they are probably in no condition to do, say, a five mile run. Those who are capable of a five mile run don't need to be reminded to exercise because they already do. But for the 'rest of us', starting out slowly and gradually building up is the way to go. ESPECIALLY if your body is both out of shape AND stressed out from anxiety disorder.

08-24-2010, 11:27 AM
This is very true, I have only recently thought that the list of symptoms I am experiencing could be anxiety related (still not sure at this point) but I know that when I exercise I feel better, I sleep better, I have more energy and am overall in a better mood.

What stinks currently for me is that because of my work schedule, I barely have the time during the week to exercise. It annoys me because I want to exercise, and I know that I get so many benefits simply from exercising, yet have so little time to exercise.