View Full Version : Relocated-Anxiety is so bad that I feel like I'm dying

07-26-2010, 03:16 AM
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this forum and would like to introduce myself as well as ask for advice. I'm 28 yrs old and I live in Orange County. I moved here in January with my fiance for his new job. All of my family/friends are 8 hrs away and my fiance works with his best friend (who moved here also) but other than that, I don't know anyone. My fiance travels a lot which leaves me alone in a city that I don't know. I haven't had luck finding work or making friends. The first few months here were ok but now it's very hard to go anywhere since I get panic attacks as soon as I don't see anything I recognize.

Things have been really scary for me. We recently went to Disneyland and I had a panic attack on one of the rides which resulted in me being taken to the hospital. The panic attack started while on the ride and by the time we got off, first aid had to be called bc I couldn't walk. They took me in a wheel chair from the ride to first aid where I stayed for almost 2 hours trying to get feeling back in my hands, legs, and face. I've never had a panic attack that bad before, my hands cramped up and I seriously thought that was the end of me. Since that panic attack, I've felt very sick. I'm dizzy all the time, I don't have much of an appetite, my stomach is in knots, and it's a huge fight getting out of bed each morning. I can't stop thinking about my family/friends back home and I want nothing more than to leave but moving isn't an option. We go back to our hometown once a month, every time we're there, I have zero anxiety. I feel complete when I'm around my family, this is the first time I've ever been away from them. My fiance isn't close with his family so to him it's not a big deal and he doesn't understand what I'm going through.

I'm currently taking Ativan but am working on getting a primary doctor so I can be prescribed something on top of the Ativan. Has anyone here relocated for their spouse and experienced the same thing I'm going through or have the same feelings regardless of being triggered by moving? I've been battling my anxiety for 6 yrs now, it's never been this bad before and I'm terrified :/.

07-26-2010, 09:04 AM
you said you were battling your anxiety for 6 years??? so you had the anxiety before??

I would say that you moving has probably scared because you have moved into a place that you are not familiar with, I dont think that is obviously the cause of your anxiety, but its a trigger, as you said you had it for quite some time....

Sorry about that panick attack on the ride, it sounds awful :|

Isuggest you do either 2 things, ask your partner to relocate back to your hometown, or if you can't face it...

I know it sounds harsh, but believe me by facing your fears it will help you become a stronger person, it will make it easier for you to cope....

by running away from fears you are only closing them in on yourself...

I was a sufferer of anxiety and went through a pretty rough time for many years...

Mahilana, I recommend a free tool that I use which is powerful, that can literally change your life around...

Combined this tool with relaxing music, and see what it does for you it works wonders!

click on the link below to get FREE access...

All the best Mahilana ;)

Just remeber to be strong and face up to it, youll find that it will start to diminish just by facing it

take care ;)