View Full Version : Anxiety help needed

07-25-2010, 05:58 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forum. I have health anxiety. I have had heart arrythimia issues for 6 years. I had a heart ablation to correct the problem in January. I am still scared everyday of something happening to my heart. I am afraid to get my heart rate up, afraid to excercise. I just can;t get past it. If my heart rate goes up I start checking my pulse every 2 minutes. I do not want to take meds, is there anything someone can suggest. Excercise if the best thing for my heart but the fear keeps me from doing it. I need help to get past the heart issues and end the fear.

Thanks for any advise you can offer.

07-26-2010, 01:52 PM
To be honest anyone would be worried, not that anything is going to happen...

worried in a sense that you are worried about your well being...
I can recommend a natural cure, I actually myself dont like taking medication, I use always natural stuff....

I had anxiety for many year after I could actually get over it...
I used this powerful free tool, to change my thinking...

In fact not only can this tool help for your anxiety, but it can also make sure you are healthy and fit...

Its really excellent I definetely recommend it...

to get FREE instant access, click on the link below....

hope it helps like it did for me...

Louise Evans

07-26-2010, 08:05 PM
I have skipped heartbeats. I have been in therapy for a year now, and while it's getting easier to deal with, I battle the thoughts every single day that I will die from my skips :(

07-27-2010, 05:44 AM
I know that you are scared to get your heart rate up but maybe you can think of it this way.
By doing exercise and conditioning your heart your total heart beats including the elevated rate when you exercise will be much lower in total lets say per month than compared to you rather not exercising.If you dont do the exercise your heart in effect will have to beat many more times even while you are sleeping to circulate blood.So in the long run you will be saving your heart from beating an x amount of times and I think your heart will be happy..:-)
For you though please exercise at least at the start very lightly..I hope this was of help to you...think long term..
Good luck to you,

07-27-2010, 08:56 AM
Hi debbier,

I think it will be helped first of all to make (in your mind) a clear distinction between what you need to do physically in order to heal (which is some kind of exercises you should do), and the mental-state or existential state you describe.

What I am actually suggesting you, as a starting point, because all seems to be mixed now, is to do a little the trick of mind, that in many times is used when solving complex problems -

breaking the BIG problem into SMALL probelms, and handle each part individually.

One issue is your physical state.
The other issue is some kind of anxiety

Even thought this may seems to be artificial, tricking your mind and artificially lying to yourself (because internally it is actually mixed) it may help you to find the initial forces to start solving your problem.

Option1 - If you prefer the self-help pattern:
If you can distinguish these two issues, enough to make some initial progress in the physical issue, then after some period you can also start to handle the anxiety aspect by starting some kind of treatment.

Simply, go against your instinct and make this one problem into two different problems, so you can start taking care your physical state. When you can handle physical problem on a regular basis, start to handle the existential issue.

Option2 - supportive treatment first
Well, the same concept of breaking one problem into two different problems, however in this option you first of all start some supportive treatment, and while taking the treatment, you gradually start to practice physically (this can happen very fast).

Because of the combination of anxiety and physical recovering I think that in this case, it will be better to be guided by someone that knows similar cases, then using some self-help approach.
I think there are re-constructional psychologists that can help in such case.

But of course, you should do your own choice.

Hope this help a little bit.